Chapter 8

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"Oh my God, Is this the god you are getting married to?" Eva exclaimed loudly almost making Reni deaf.

"God?" Reni scrunched up her nose at her words "Are you serious?"

"What?!, you don't see how handsome he is? Look at his pale skin and that sharp jawline, his oh so dazzling hazel coloured eyes, just looking at them will make you commit a sin and his black hair perfectly styled at the back, he is the man who can be discribed with just two word 'Devilishly Perfect' and don't even get started on his lips, they look so good, I feel like my soul is slipping away" Eva said dreamily.

Reni looked at her like she has gone crazy.

"On top of than he is Rheuss Carter, he can easily pass as one of the world's richest man with that big empire he created, you are really lucky girl" Eva said with enthusiasm.

"Really, do I look like that I am short of money" Reni said frowning.

"I don't know how can you resist such deadly looks?" Eva said.

"Because like you used to say when we were teenagers, I am not a human but an alien" Reni stated.

"And if you are so much interested, why don't you marry him instead" Reni suggested.

"No!! I love my current husband a lot" Eva exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah I know, don't get so aggressive" Reni rolled her eyes.

"I know that but he is so handsome and I am really pleased with your parent's choice" her best friend said nodding.

"You are pleased but I don't think that your husband will be pleased when he knows that how his wife was ogling over other men" Reni said smirking.

Now was her turn to laugh as Eva's face become a little pale.

"You will not do that" Eva said.

"Try me"

"Reni" she said in a sweet voice.

"You stop bothering me about this and I will forget whatever happened here" Reni said still smirking.

"Ok" Eva sighed in defeat as she bowed her face down but the thoughts in her mind was something else.

"I will go to the washroom, you look after Emily till then" Reni said standing up from her chair and going towards the washroom.

"Emi" Eva said.

"Yes, aunt" Emi said as she looked up from her food.

"You should remember our deal, inform me if anythings happens between your mum and dad, Ok" Eva said.

Emi gave her a thumps up and resumed eating as she saw her mother approaching them.

Sitting at her seat Reni eyed her friend suspiciously "What did you just talked about to my daughter?"

"Nothing special"

"I hope you are not telling her about some stupid things" Reni sighed clearly having an idea about what her best friend would have told her daughter.

Eva looked at Emi from the corner of her eyes and smiled knowingly which was returned by Emily.


"Reni, your day is almost over, why not we both have lunch together before picking up Emi" Mike said to Reni as she put away her coat after the appointments.

"Sure, why not" she smiled at him.

They have been friends since their university days and are really close. At some time Mike had a crush on Reni and she refused him but now everything was normal.

As they both were headed to the cafeteria a nurse came to her "Miss Reni you have a visitor"

"A visitor?" Reni asked confused.

"Yes, he is currently in you cabin" the nurse informed her before going.

"Isn't your appointments over and you have already checked all the patients for today" said Mike a little irritated as his time with her was interrupted.

"Yeah, but let's see" said Reni as she again put on her coat before walking towards her office with Mike on her heels.

She opened the door of her office and asked politely "Sir, do you have an appointment?"

She can't see the face of the person as his back was to her but when he turned towards her,her eyebrows twitched.

'What the hell is he doing here?' she cursed in her head.

There in all his glory was standing none other than her so called fiancée Rheuss Carter.

"Mr Carter" she spat the words out of her mouth.

"I wonder what business do you have with me today?"

"I am here to pick you up" he said matter of factly.

"I don't think that is necessary" she said trying to remain polite when from inside she wanted to kick this person out of here.

"You are coming with me" he said with a tone of finality as he doesn't like to hear no.

"Didn't you listen to her, she doesn't want to go with you" Mike intervened.

Rheuss' gaze which was on his so called fiancée fell to the man behind her. He raised his brow.

"Who is he? Your lover?" Rheuss said, he may seem indifferent on the surface while saying this but inside he want nothing but to tore this man away from her even if he was not her lover.

"What the hell are you saying?" Reni yelled at him.

"He is my friend, you got a problem with that?" she said annoyed.

"I don't care but now that you are my fiancée, you should refrain from being around guys" Rheuss stated.

Mike looked at her "So he was the fiancée you told me about that your parents have picked"

"They really have a bad choice" Mike said after giving Rheuss an all over.

"And my fiancée has a bad choice in friends" Rheuss fired back.

"You!!" Mike shouted angrily.

"Mike, this is a hospital and just let him say what he wants, it's not like his words even matter" Reni said to Mike calming him.

Rheuss snorted as he took her hand and started dragging her "You are coming with me"

"Reni" Mike shouted but she smiled at him and he stopped.

Pulling her hand away from Rheuss she glared at him. She put off her coat and took her bag before going with him.

She looked back and mouthed Mike a 'Don't worry'.

In the parking lot she stepped inside his car and sat at the back seat.

Rheuss opened the gate and sat in it to drive. He looked at her from the rear view mirror and pushed the accelater.

"Where are we going? " Reni asked after a moment of silence.

He didn't said anything.

"I don't care where you are taking me but first we need to get Emi from school" she said frustrated at this guy who still said nothing but she relaxed when she saw the familiar roads that lead to her daughter's school.

'Wait a minute, how did he knew in which school Emi studies' she thought as she looked at him from the mirror.

This person was no doubt good looking but he didn't piqued her interest even a bit.

She hates men, well obviously in them also there are some exceptions like Mike but she dispise men a lot for the reason how they treat women.

Soon they arrived at Emi's school and Reni got out of the car which was maybe... a Rolls Royce, she is not sure.

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