Lost and Found

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"Did you ask him to sleep with you?" Before Minjun could complete her sentence, she feels a tight slap across her cheek.

She breathes heavily with her palm against it, feeling it burning like hell. She looks back at Leesu who is staring at her with tears.

"He is seventeen for God's sake!! Why would I ask him to??!" she yells.

"Then where the fuck is my son?!! Minjun screams. She gets on her feet and looks at Leesu with rage.

Leesu almost thinks that the lady is going to throw her hands on her but gets surprised when she gets on her knees and grabs Leesu's legs.

"Please..." she cries. "Please help me find him, teacher. I beg you...please. "

Leesu gulps. She tries to grab Minjun. "Ma'am please get up...listen-"

"Please!" Minjun yells again in between her cries. "He had only four spoons of rice before leaving for school that day. I don't even know where he is, how he is. My poor baby..." she says and falls to the ground, crying to herself.

"Ma'am!" Leesu panics and grabs her. "We'll find him. Please don't cry-"


"Hello Wonwoo. Nice to see you here again." Wonwoo sighs and sits down.

He's fed up with all of these.

"I found out, Mingyu sat beside you in class. So how was he? What kind of friend was he to you?"

Wonwoo glares daggers into Jungkook's face.

"Sorry.." Jungkook rubs his nape. "What kind of classmate was he to you? Better?" he gives him a welcoming smile which Wonwoo doesn't take in at all.

"He was a brat," Wonwoo says. "A very rich spoiled brat."

"Why do you say so?"

"Everyone adored him in the class. The teachers, the students. They treated him like some kind of prince just because he was a son of a politician. "

"Mingyu-ah." The teacher crouches down beside his seat. "Did you complete the question?"

"No Ma'am I couldn't take the grammar correctly," he says with embarrassment.

Leesu laughs. "Omo, you're so cute." she pinches his cheeks. "Don't worry, I'll give you tips on how to improve your grammar, okay?" she pats his head and leaves.

Mingyu smiles at her before his eyes fall on the kid beside him, who is glaring at him with a death stare.

"What?" Mingyu raises his brows.

Wonwoo shakes his head and turns the other way.

Wonwoo grits his teeth and clenches his fingers into a ball.

Jungkook takes a notice of that and writes something on his notepad.

"His grades were bad, and so was mine. We were always on the bottom rank. But still, teachers treated him so nicely but never to me. They gave him extra tuition, extra classes, but what about me??!" Wonwoo slams his palm on the table.

"So basically, you're just jealous of him?" Jungkook scoffs.

"I'm not fucking jealous! I don't want that kind of treatment," he growls.

"Sure you don't. " Jungkook scoffs again, getting on Wonwoo's nerves.

"Did he talk to you?" he asks Wonwoo.

"He annoyed me. He-..." Wonwoo gulps. "He tried to talk me at first when I joined the school a year back"

"Why did you rejoin the new school?"

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