3rd birthday

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"Wake up my big boy!" Zayden looked down at his baby brother in his crib, who was currently almost awake. After a moment of waiting he opened his eyes and immediately smiled brightly staring at him with big, blue eyes. He smiled at his brother and gently picked him up before changing him into some blue clothes with confetti on it. The little boy looked at his clothes and stared at him "b-blue! Blue!" "That's right Tyler! Your clothes are blue, did sissy teach you?" He stared at him and nodded slightly laughing a bit. Zayden laughed slightly and picked him up before walking to the kitchen where a little surprise was awaiting him. Tyler immediately started giggling and reached out for the blue balloons as his siblings smiled at his reaction. After Tyler was done with the balloons everyone helped him cut the cake and set the table for everyone. As Tyler ate the chocolate cake he looked around before starting at his sister. "Mama?" He asked quietly, looking around for that familiar face. Sophia stared at him before looking down. "Mama couldn't make it this birthday... maybe next one okay?" She said hopefully to her brother, before swallowing another tiny cake bite. The older brothers exchanged worried glances before distracting the two with a bunch of games and activities throughout the day. Tyler walked around and giggled at all the new cars and the building blocks wrapped in presents which he gladly ripped open and quickly started playing with his sister. The older brothers smiled softly at the two playing before handing the little one the blue balloons again. Sophia and Tyler spent the rest of the birthday playing with the toys and hanging out with their older brothers. After the day was over Tyler closed his eyes and fell asleep in his crib. Overall, this 3rd birthday was the best for him.

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