First day

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"Hello there little one, I'm your teacher, mrs harper! Aren't you just the cutest thing!" Sophia stared at the woman with uncertainty and hid behind her brothers leg nervously. She couldn't hear what her brother and the girl were saying to each other because she was too focused on staring at the floor just wanting to go home and see Tyler again. Her big brother picked her up and hugged her tightly before he pointed to the classroom nervously before she sped walked away from him. For the rest of the day she just sat in the far corner of the classroom not wanting to interact with anyone at all. Her eyes remained on the clock at all times and she didn't bother taking her eyes off of them. "Mama..." she muttered quietly to herself a flicker of hope ignited within her wondering if her mother would come get her. It didn't take long for her dreams to get crushed when it was time to go, but at the same time she felt happy to leave. Ayden was the one who came to pick her up but she didn't bother to even say hi or acknowledge him at all. She stared outside the window of the car and didn't bother answering any of her brothers questions. "Sophia? Hello? Baby sister?" He seemed confused on why she wasn't responding but didn't bother pushing any further. The rest of the ride home was dead silent none of them wanting to speak to the other.

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