🥀 S2 CH. Three; Enervation

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The angry storm roars onward, and the shack vibrates rapidly against the shoving wind.
        Your body feels like a frozen mass of meat since curling up in a ball under the table, leaving you unable to move as you hold the piercing gaze of [OTHERWORLDLY].
        "Look at yourself," he sneers, placing his hand on the doorknob, "your state is so pathetic."
        You wince at his words, yet you try your hardest to hold eye contact with him as to not look so intimidated.
        Letting out a small exhale through your mouth, you wiggle your fingers, allowing the feeling in them to return.
      "I need my gun..." You bite away the soreness in your stiff arm as you lower it towards your weapon– keeping your movement hidden from his sight.
        "What happened to your fighting spirit?"
        You narrow your eyes as your fingers wrap around the grip.
        "Did that [DOCTOR] do this to you?"
        Those words hit a nerve deep inside of you– making the images of your findings in that bunker resurface.
        Yet you frown at the smug look in his eyes. Not only does he know the real reason why your life took this turn, but he also decides to bring Benevolent into this– which raises questions.
        The door clicks open, and your eyes widen as you watch the Night slip into the building with you.
         He crouches in front of you– with those glittering red eyes boring into yours.
          Your body trembles even more when in close proximity to him, and he chuckles at the terrified look in your eyes.
         "Don't worry, little one, that Doctor  is currently bleeding to death out there."
He breaks into an abrupt laughter that makes you flinch, and your skin pales as his words ring inside your ears.
         You wanted so much to just hate Benevolent for all he put you through, and yet the thought of him dying crumbles a part of your aching heart.
          It also chips away at your façade.
          "W-what?" Your voice breaks, and Otherworldly pauses laughing to look at you with a toying expression.
          "Imagine my surprise when my buds and I saw the operative walking all by his lonesome," he begins, leaning forward as he cocks his head, "now imagine the snow stained a beautiful red, and those blue eyes clouding over as we kicked his body into the pit."
          Your blood runs cold and his second bout of laughter becomes static in your ears as your brain fights to obtain a clear picture of your friend.
          But you're unable to, as if he's been almost wiped from your mind; the mere thought fills you with panic.
          "Oh, please, don't look so defeated," he tells you, unimpressed, "you should be thanking us, you no longer have to live in fear because of him!"
          You stare at him, your gaze hardening as your body quivers.
          "No... Y-you're lying," you stumble over your words as the chilly tremble re-enters your body.
         The Night snickers, yet his tone is serious. "I may be the bad guy here, but I'm no liar."
          Your gaze drops to the floor, the denial telling you it isn't true.
          Otherworldly scoffs, and his entire threatening aura shifts. He pauses in thought for a moment before speaking.
         "Listen," he begins, before looking towards your waist, "and hands where I can see them, or I won't play nice."
          You hesitate, feeling more depressed that he catches that your hand is gripped on your weapon.
         "Why would I trust you? You tried killing me once," you reply, and he groans in both annoyance and impatience.
         "I'm not interested in harming you, I genuinely need to warn you about something," he informs, which only leaves you more confused.
         Seeing that you still won't let go of your weapon, he pinches his nose bridge in a sigh.
         "If that's how you want to be, then so be it," he stands up, "I was going to share something with you, something important, but instead..." Otherworldly steps to the side, glaring down at you, "I'll give you a five minute head-start."
        "What? Why is he letting me go?!"
         You don't move at first, not until he speaks again.
         "Four minutes."
         You crawl out of hiding, his words echoing in your brain as you glance up to meet his gaze.
         "Stay vigilant, we're not the only threat out there."
          You rip the door open and step outside. Confused and worried thoughts swirling in your mind; the door is slammed shut behind you as you turn to face the blizzard.
         "Information? Other threats besides Nights...?"
          Your body shifts painfully as you begin walking forward; but nothing measures anywhere equal to the pain that resides within your heart.
           The acidic snowflakes feel like little knives against your face as you drag your steps through the deep snow; and as Bene's vague face circulates your mind, the tears rolling down your cheeks freeze to your numb skin.
           Despite not being able to fully picture him, you can hear his soft voice uttering your name, the gentleness in his touch when tending to your wounds; and even in the midst of anger and distrust, he never made it his duty to hurt you.
         Someone else is behind this.
         But answers are unlikely now, if not impossible– because if you are unable to find his location, then the truth will die with him.

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