Chapter 4

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I have my Spanish and biology midterms today. I barely studied bc I was crying over MatPat's retirement video SO WISH ME LUCK
also enjoy :P

Martyn's Perspective-

I took a deep breath as I walked to the gym, I was ready for this day.

I had been waiting for so long.

And I was so excited.

I looked around and saw some kids laughing and chatting together.

I turned to the coach and smiled at him.

"Hello there, what's your name?" He asked me, holding a clipboard and pen.

"Martyn. Martyn Little-Wood."

The coach scanned the paper before checking my name off and smiling.

"Right over there. Your partner is Scott Major." He pointed to a guy with cyan hair and a green shirt that had an hourglass on the side.

I immediately got curious when I saw the hourglass on his shirt and walked over.

I cleared my throat and Scott jumped.

"Oh! Hello!" He said, smiling. He had bits and pieces of coral in his hair and shorts.

"Hi! My name's Martyn." I said, stretching out my hand.

"I'm Scott." He shook my hand.

"So I saw you have an hourglass on the side of your shirt, do you by chance have the power to freeze time?" I asked, letting go of Scott's hand.

"Hm? Oh, no I just think hourglasses are cool. I think my...great grandfather could control time? I'm not entirely sure though."

"Oh, that's cool. So what is your power?"

"I can breathe, see, and swim really fast underwater."


"Yeah! It's fun."

"So like, do you have to stay in the water a lot or can you breathe both above and underwater?"

"I can breathe above and underwater."

I nod, "Nice."

"What's your power?" Scott asked, rocking back and forth on his heels, his hands behind his back.

I smiled a bit, "I can freeze time for a bit. Not that long right now, only like half an hour."

"But that's still cool!"

"Heh, yeah I guess it is." I said, scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

"Hey- wait, I just realized...what's your last name again?"

"Oh, it's Little-Wood."

Scott's eyes widened.

"Oh jeez, I'm so sorry...your brother..."

"Yeah...uh- it's okay."

"Is it though?"

"Y-yeah...yeah it will be."

Besides, I'm gonna be the one who's gonna defeat Canon.

Scott raised an eyebrow and luckily the coach blew his whistle and started to tell us what we were going to be doing today.

I tried my best to pay attention, but my mind kept drifting off to my brother.

I shook my head and Scott looked at me, concerned.

"You okay?" He whispered, leaning closer to me a bit.

"H-huh? Oh- yeah."

Scott sighed.

"You're not going to tell me you're not okay, are you?" He asked and I bit my lip, looking down.

Scott smiled encouragingly at me, and I shook my head.


Scott shrugged.

"If you say so."

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