The Teacher Chapter 5

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A few months later

Mum: Are you feeling alright, honey?? You only wear sweats when you're not feeling well.

- Yes, Mum, I'm doing just fine, today, I just wanted to wear comfy clothes, that's all.

Mum: Are you sure, honey?? Because you look very pale.

- I feel great, Mum, don't worry. I have to go now, bye, love you, mum.

I kissed her cheek and left the house and drove to school.

Dehlila: Tiff!!!!!!

Suddenly, I started feeling very nauseous, I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom. I threw up twice for no apparent reason, brushed my teeth then applied some lipgloss, and walked to Mister David's classroom.

Mister David: You're very late, Miss Tiffany.

- I know, and I'm very sorry, Mister David.
As the lecture was in session, I think 3 - 4 times I ran to the bathroom to throw up. I honestly have no idea what is wrong with me. When I returned to the auditorium after my last leave, my fiancè looked at me concerned but said nothing. I sat in my seat and checked my phone, where found a message from Dehlila.


Giirrll, are you okay? You look very pale and you constantly leave a classroom for 10 - 15 minutes. I'm worried about you...

I'm fine, don't worry.

As soon as I sent that message, I felt my eyes getting heavy, I gently closed them and drifted to sleep not hearing what Mister David was saying. When I woke up, the classroom was already empty and Raffaele was sitting in front of me.

Raffaele: Good morning, baby girl, how are you feeling?

- Why does everyone keep asking me that??!!

Raffaele: Because we care about you, plus I noticed that you are always tired and never want to have sex and you left my class several times yesterday and today. What is going on?

- Nothing is going on, I'm just been very exhausted and nauseous lately, that's all.

Raffaele: Do you know why, baby girl?

- Nope, but I'll find out and take care of it, don't worry.

Raffaele: I'm here for you and I'll help you.

- Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm definitely not feeling very well, so, can I come to your place?

Raffaele: Of course, baby girl, you don't have to ask, but if you want, you can wait, I only have one class left and after that, we could go together.

- Alright, but I'm gonna drive to the pharmacy real quick and after your last class, we'll go.

Raffaele: Okay, baby, after the bell just come straight to my classroom.

- Deal.
I kissed his lips, took my bag, and left my fiancè's auditorium.
I sat in my car and Dehlila called.

Dehlila 🥵😹

Hey, girl, what's up?

I'm fine, could you come to my car?

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