The Undead

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"There ya go little one

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"There ya go little one." Noah said as he placed a baby frog down into the water. He had a few thing he had to attend to in his green house and to his little babies down by the pond before he went back to the school. "I'll be back tonight to check on you." Noah said as he watched the small tadpoles break from their eggs and follow their mother underneath the ice. He sniffed and zipped up his winter coat and hustled back to the house. "I made your lunch baby, it's in your princess lunch bag." Noah said gathering up his coffee and making sure to write a small note and put it into Nancy's bag before they left. "You want us to drop you then?" Nancy asked. "Yes, I'll be longer I'm sure and I know you'll want to come home after work." Noah said handing Nancy her bag. She smiled and looked inside to see a fresh sesame seed muffin with banana. "When did you have time to fucking bake?" She asked furrowing her brow. Noah smiled. "I have my ways. It's called being organized baby." He said putting Maddie's mittens and hat on her before booting her out the front door.

"Just text me when you're ready and I'll come get you." Nancy said as she pulled up to the school. She hated it ever since her days back then with the girls. "No no baby don't worry. I'll have one of the other teachers give me a ride home." Noah said leaning over to kiss her cheek and get out of the car. "Wait I want a kissy!" Maddie said I'm the back. Noah chuckled and shook his head as he leaned in the back window and kissed her goodbye. "Be a good girl today love and we will play with that new toy tonight." Noah said shutting the door and winking at Nancy before heading in. Nancy watched closely as he held the door open for the students and watched as they gasped and snickered. "I loathe these high school bitches." Nancy said half wanting to put a spell on them and keep them away from Noah. "They don't know anything. They're stupid." Maddie said as she admired her new green nail polish. "Come on let's go to the store! We have a lot of stuff to do." Maddie said eagerly which threw off Nancy's dark glare and put her back into her normal sense. "Right right." She said taking a deep breath and headed Noah's vintage car towards the store.

"First things first, I'd love to know each of your names

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"First things first, I'd love to know each of your names." Noah said as he went into the class and demanded everyone attention. He had missed this authority and missed the eyes on him wanting to soak up knowledge and motivation. He had spoken to the principal and as his luck would have it he was able to start his new term that day. The students were interested, mostly on him as he walked by. He brushed it off, ignoring their faint snickers and put them on the spots with questions about the topics he was covering. "Tonight I expect these chapters read and a brief summary written about them, no questions asked." Noah said placing his worksheets on his desk. "We're very glad to see you've returned Mr. Edwards." A young girl said as she huddled close to his desk with her little jean dress on and book clung close to her chest. Noah looked up and smiled. "Why thank you Miss?" He asked unsure of her name. "Emily. Emily Shire." She said looking nervous yet excited. "Thank you Miss Shire." Noah said noticing his dirty her dress was and his ratted her hair looked tucked behind her ears. "Are you alight?" He asked. Emily just smiled. "I'm fine. I'm happy you're back. I've missed you." She said walking by him. Noah watched as she walked by and went straight into the bookshelf and disappeared.

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