Chapter 9

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The wind howled outside Jodi's window. The weather obviously hadn't calmed down since the night before. Jodi lay in bed. Her legs were aching and feet in bits after her adventure home last night. Her hair still felt damp as she didn't feel like showering at 2am when she finally arrived home from her treacherous walk through the London streets. However, one thing had kept her going. Jude. He had stayed on the phone chatting to her throughout her whole 2-hour walk home. Jodi had thought about getting a taxi, but she wanted this conversation to last forever. She learned that he had moved to Spain to play football and was doing very well. He had been nominated for multiple awards after only being there for a couple of months. He was loving the football side of it. However, he was finding the family aspect tough. His family had been split up since his brother Jobe was still playing football in England, so his dad stayed in England, and mum was living in Spain. He had talked about how he was trying to learn Spanish so that he could feel more included in the team. He did say that he missed the scouse accent that he would hear at home. Jodi had really enjoyed their chat. She had told him about her job and about how her family was doing. She had briefly brought up Matt and had assured Jude that he was perfect, however, Jude told her that no man would ever be good enough for her. She did leave out her job interview, though. She had decided not to tell anybody just in case she fucks up the interview. She didn't want to get their hopes up. 

As she opened her eyes, she felt a pain in her throat and her head felt heavy. Great. She was sick. Her nose was bunged, and her eyes were heavy. She sat up before slamming back down under her covers. She didn't plan on getting up anytime soon. Jodi reached over to her bedside table blindly and picked up her phone. She dialed her work number to get onto the girls in reception to tell them that she wouldn't be coming in today. Finally, a day in bed. Her eyes fluttered closed again. That was until she heard a banging at her door. Jodi groaned and sat up once again. She grabbed a hoodie and her phone and waddled to the door. She looked through the peephole to see Matt. She groaned internally, she didn't have to brainpower to deal with this right now. Jodi slowly unlocked the door and was greeted by a sad looking boy.

"Hey," he spoke slowly, almost testing the water. His hands were in his blue jeans, and his tousled hair sat in the middle of his forehead. His eyes were bloodshot with dark circles under them. 

"Hi." Jodi spoke in response. 

"I'm sorry." Matthew blurted out as Jodi crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow, signaling for him to continue. 

"It was wrong of me to accuse you of things like that, I just felt like you didn't want to spend time with me" he said as he takes his hands out of his pockets fidgeting nervously. Jodi looked at him. His eyes had a glimmer of hope in them. 

"Do you want to come in?" Were the only words Jodi could put together. She wasn't sure how actually sorry Matthew was, and plus she felt bad for keeping the job thing and the Jude thing from him. Matthew nodded and entered her apartment. 

"Let me just get changed," Jodi muttered as she closed the front door and set her phone down on the kitchen counter.

As she remerged from her bedroom in black leggings and the same hoodie, she saw Matthew standing there with her phone in his hand. Jodi's eyes widened. 

"Matthew, what the fu-" She spit as she took  a step toward him. The audacity of this man. He turned to her with no expression on his face. 

"Who is Jude?" He spoke calmly. Jodi stopped in her tracks. 

"Why are you looking through my phone?" Jodi asked as she lunged towards him. He held to phone away from her. 

"Answer the fucking question Jodi. Who the fuck is Jude?" He said looking at her sternly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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