Chapter 3

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Jodi woke up late the next morning to the sound of the doorbell. She heard her mum go to the door and let the woman in. Jodi got curious and decided to get up and dressed to see who it was. She put on comfortable clothes as she didn't plan on doing much today. She looked in the mirror as she brushed her hair and realised it was in its awkward faze on the verge of being greasy, so she put in cute french braids. After she realised she had been getting ready for 20 minutes, she quit and walked down the stairs. She could hear voices in the sitting room, so she looped around into the dining room to see who it was. She saw her mum sitting in an armchair and a woman with curly brown hair opposite her. The woman was wearing blue scrubs, so she realised it must have been her mums nurse. They were both laughing, so Jodi went in to introduce herself.

"Ah, Jodi, you're finally up?" Mum said sarcastically. "Morning," Jodi said. As she glaced over at the woman. "Nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you," the nurse introduced herself as she stood up to shake Jodis hand. "Thank you for looking after my mum." Jodi said sincerely. "Im only doing my job." The woman said with a smile. "My name's Denise."

Jodi sat down and joined in on their conversation. "Denise actually has a son around your age." Jodis mum said to her. "He's actually home from germany this week." Denise said with a smile on her face. "And, when am I going to get to meet this son you talk so fondly of?" Mum said, almost offended. "We'll see about that one," Denise said. The conversation turned to a lighthearted topic, and the women chatted and gossiped for another while until there was a ring at the door. "Let me get it," Elaine almost shouted, jumping up out of her seat. Denise rolled her eyes playfully, knowing it was her son at the door. "Oh, my poor son is going to get interegated." She said with a smile on her face. Jodi heard some comotion at the door and thought it was probably just her mum harassing the poor bloke. She offered to refill denises tea and walked off to the kitchen. "I hope he wants tea," she thought to herself as she made 4 cups of tea. She put them on a tray along with a box of biscuits and a bowl of sugar and balanced her way to the living room. She was so focused on not spilling any drinks that she didn't look up when she entered the room.

Jodi set the tray down on the coffee table and handed Denise and her mother a cup of tea. She picked up the 3rd mug to hand it to the stranger that was standing directly behind her, not to mention the fact that he was sitting in her seat. She carefully spun around and was met by a somewhat familiar face. His eyes were brown. Most people think that brown eyes are boring. Jodi will admit that they are, but not these. She could stare into these eyes for hours and would have if he hadn't broken the silence. "Oh, look who we have here. If it isn't the flower robber herself." Jodi realised how close she was to him and took a step back. "Hello, to you too," She replied. She leaned forward to hand him his drink. He reached his hand up to take the mug from her. When, almost in slow motion, danny, the families' german shepard, came running into the room excited at the idea of visitors. He ran through the door and behind jodi, almost on her heals to cause already leant forward jodi to fall towards this handsome man and pour a hot cup of tea all over him. Jodi fell into the strangers arms and landed on his lap. Once everybody realised what had just happened, the room erupted into laughter. Jodi, still sitting on his lap, giggled at the situation. When she realised where she was sitting, she briskly got back to her feet and assessed the damage. The boys' white gucci tracksuit bottoms were stained brown. Jodi couldn't believe her eyes. "Oh my god. I am so sorry." She exclaimed. "It's alright." He said, almost trying to persuade himself. Elaine suggested that they go to the kitchen to clean up. That was a good idea.

Jodi led the stranger through her house. When she got to the kitchen, she turned around to the boy. "Lemme get you some trousers. I'll be right back." She said and left the room, not even waiting for a response. As she searched the spare room for anything that might fit the poor boy, her mind and heart were racing. "What on earth just happened?" And "Why did it have to happen to me?" Her search was successful, and she returned to the kitchen with a whole new outfit for the boy. "Here. Everything is new and should fit." Jodi stated, avoiding eye contact. "Thanks." The boy said, not sounding very amused. "If you give me your tracksuit, i can try to get the stain out if you want." Jodi said, trying to be helpful. "Only if you dont mind," he said as her turned around to find a bathroom.

When he returned, jodi was handed his tracksuit bottoms. She filled the sink with warm water and added stain remover. While she hand washed the trousers, the boys stood beside her, watching. They stood in a comfortable silence until jodi spoke ,"im so sorry again. Not just for the tea but for the flowers."she said apologetically. "It's ok, dont worry about it." The boy spoke in a calming tone. The room returned to its formed silence until the boy broke it. "Im jude, by the way." He said, looking at her. "I'm Jodi," she said, maintaining eyecontact.

Author's note: Heyy, just over 1k words. Sorry it took so long lmao. I had exams. Ill try to upload more consistently. Anyways, what do you all think about jude to real madrid? I honestly never expected it. Madrid are gonna change so much this summer now with benzema gone, and so many other transfers. Jesus these rumours are killing me. AND Mount to Man U. Will always be a blue💙. Anyways, rant over. I hope u are all enjoying this. I dont really know what's gonna happen next, but i have a good idea😏. Anyway, see you all soon xx

Tiktok: epiphanyxtra 🧚‍♀️

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