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Hoseokie and Minnie went home happily in Yoongi's car. He dropped Hoseokie add her father invited both Yoongi and Minnie to have dinner with them. They both denied but later accepted it and they enjoyed the dinner. Hobi and Minnie proudly showed their medals and certificates and Hobi's parents appreciated them. Later, Yoongi dropped Minnie at her home which was 4 houses away from Hoseokie's home.

On the other hand

In Taehyung's home.

"Hey many times I have told you to come home early? Have you seen the time. It's already 9. Even when you work in your father's company, you use to come home early but now.. I am so disappointed Taehyung" said Mrs. Kim with a frown.

"Whats more disappointing is that you didn't even attend Jennie's call. Poor girl, she misses you a lot. She is just asking your time, but you are not even giving that. She is crying to me and she even told me not to ask about it to you but I couldnot stop myself from asking about it. Can't you even talk nicely to her for few minutes through call. She is heart- broken and sad. She is your future wife and you have to spend your entire life with her and is the way you treat her.

"Mom..please mom...please stop..I am already tired and hungry. Now, I lost my appetite too. Now I need to sleep and please stop talking about that midget" said Taehyung angrily.

"Ohhho..Taehyung, you shouldn't call
your fiancè as midget. What kinds of words are you using? My head is aching because of you" said Tae's mom.

"For your kind information, she is short and thats why I called her as midget. As you said earlier, she is my fianceè right, so, I have all rights to call her midget. That midget called me the day before yesterday, told me to accompany her to the shopping. Does she think I am also jobless just like her? I told I was busy and send her 50,000 for shopping. Iam sure she wouldn't have told about this and now Iam gonna rest. Good night mom.

" are accusing my friend Jennie as if she stole your money. Your are her boy friend and her fiancè too. So, obviously you have to pay for her expenses. You broke my friend's heart and so apologize to her" said Jisso with so much attitude.

"Yeah.. I am her boy friend but not her bank and for your kind information, we are not engaged yet" replied Taehyung.

"However, you are going to marry her and there is no change. Whats the big deal about engagement. Taking about it, Jennie's birthday is on next Thursday and we are going to announce your wedding with her on that day. So, It is birthday come engagement" said Tae's mom proudly.

"'s my engagement too..why I am being the last person to know it? I am not ready mom. Can't you postpone it for few days" said Tae.

"She is your girlfriend right? What the big deal in marrying her early? We have taken the decision. Your only job is coming to her birthday party, giving her gifts and exchanging rings. Thats it"

"Why are you forcing Tae. Let him take his own time. If he wants to marry her, he himself will say it. Don't poke your nose into his business" said Tae's father. He and Namjoon are the only person who speaks for him.

"I don't care. I want Jennie to be my daughter-in-law. The engagement is fixed and nothing can be changed" said Tae's mom which kindled Tae's anger.

Tae's blood started to boil. He himself don't know why he has accepted Jennie's proposal when she proposed him. He started to regret his own decision of accepting her as his girlfriend.

Without saying anything, he just went to his room. He skipped his dinner and gut feeling says that something big is going to happen.


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