Chapter -3

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Author Pov

It was the evening time and Hobi remembered about the test which Tae told that he will conduct the next day. She wanted to get full marks. So, she started to study immediately after having her evening coffee and snacks. She read the notes that she took in the class and also the book. She made note of some important points and highlighted it. She made sure to jot down some important points in small paper and stick it on the notes.

She herself didn't know how time flew away. It was already 9 o' clock and she realized it only when she heard a knock on the door. He used to come home late whenever there was some important meeting in the office. She opened the door and welcomed her father. He had bought some of her favourite snacks. Her mother served dinner for both of them. She told about the new professor to her parents and how strict he was.

Her father also told her about the extra work he had done for the meeting. Then she went to her room and started to study. She made a mental note to revise all the points that she had took notes and she also set the alarm at 4 Am.

At 4 Am

Hoseokie woke up at 4.10 after lots and lots of struggles. Then Jiminie came to her mind. She thought how bad Minnie  wrote her yesterday's exam. So, she decided to call Minnie and tell her to atlreast prepare for today's exam and to pick her up early in the mornimg for college as Tae already warned them about the late coming but Minnie being Minnie didnot attend the call.

She started to study for the exam after doing all her morning routines. She studied till 8 O' clock and started to get ready for the college. She got ready at 8.30 and waited for Minnie. She became fraustrated and went directly to her house and started to pull her out of the bed room.

"Enough is enough Minnie. You are looking so beautiful just come and start your scooty" pleaded Hoseokie.

"Atleast you accepted that I am looking beautiful but your stupid cat looking cousin doesn't even spare a glance at me" said Minnie.

"Minnie, Minnie..please Minnie... I will do whatever you want. please come fast orelse Tae sir will scold us. He already told us that we will get punishment if we didnot reach the class before the bell. So, please come Minnie." begged Seokie.

"okay but wait..let me put this mascara and lip gloss then only your cousin Min Yoongi will fall for me. He likes whenever I lick my lips you know. My lips has to look glossy and plumpy for this. So, lip gloss is must" said Jiminie.

"Ahhh.. Minnie..just put all those things in your bag. Do your make up once we reach the college please" said Seokie and dragged her out of the house. She put all her favourite make up items in Minnie's bag orelse Seokie has to listen to her lecture about makeup for an hour.

Author Pov

Atlast they reached the college in time. The building where they study is quite far from the parking lot. So, Hobi hold Minnie hand and started to run. Only if they run they can reach the class before bell or else they will be late. They ran as if they are chased by a stray dog. Minnie's sandal strap got broke when she ran. So, she stop but she didnot want Hobi to wait for her and get late for class. So, she told Hobi to go class orelse she will get scolded by Tae but Hobi was adament that she won't go to class without her but however Minnie convinced her.

Hoseokie's Pov

"Ahh..poor Minnie. Why did her sandal strap broke now. She's gonna get scolding from Tae sir."

"She didn't even let me wait for her. She convinced me to go class. Why she is so adament but please don't be so late Minnie. I don't want you to get scolding from him. Please come to class fast . God save her please" thought Hobi.

"How long should I run. It's been years since I ran. Iam panting right now. I am running to my class with all thought struck about Minnie. Iam running as if I participated in a race. My vision become blury as own sweat fell on my eyes. I couldn't even see clearly."

"Ahhh....ammmaaaaaa... whatttt.....why didn't I fall" asked Hobi to herself.

" because I caught you. Be careful when you run. By the way, I advise you not to run as you are wearing a saree. You may trip and fall when you run with the saree on." Said Tae.

Author's Pov

Then only she realised she was safe in the arms of Taehyung. He had wrapped her arms around her slim waist. He felt something tight wrapped around her waist which is nothing but a silver waist chain. His eyes caught the attention of the chain around her waist. It was a silver waist chain with attractive beads and it added extra beauty to her thin, soft and milky waist. Her chin was resting on his muscular chest and her body on his arm.

He can feel some of her skin while holding her by waist. It was so soft. Hobi felt liking passing out while looking Tae at this close proximity. He looked like a Greek god. She could smell his mint and chocolate perfume which seemed to be more addicting for her. His eyes so fixated on her. He could feel her soft skin and can smell her strawberry and vanilla flavoured perfume which seemed to be so addicting like a drug. Her perfume and her soft skin made him feel dizzy. He wanted to feel her entire body. Her chest rise and fell because of running and it made his mind go crazy. His eyes got fixated on her chest and he came to the reality only when she asked if why she didn't fall and thus his dirty thoughts came to end.

His train of thoughts about her interuppted as she released herself from his tight hold and stabled herself.

Hoseokie's Pov

"Thank you Sir. I won't run here after" said Hobi with pinkish cheeks. She looked really embarrassed.

"Okay. Now go"

" are holding me..sir.. and once again th..thanks for saving me" said Hobi while shuttering. 

" you in class".

"Why God why.. why it happened to me. Can't I be careful? It's really embarrasing. How can I see him in class. It's so awkward" said Hobi whinningly.

"I think I have to run and reach the class. I have to be there before he enters. Ahhh.. I got little legs. I hate it" thought Seokie

He looked at her waist when started to walked to the class. The saree has slipped down  from the upper waist to the lower waist because of running and tripping  and as the result waist chain was visible. It jiggled when she walked. He just wanted to bury his face on her waist and feel that coldness of the chain around his chin.

The saree has slipped down  from the upper waist to the lower waist because of running and tripping  and as the result waist chain was visible. It jiggled when she walked. He just wanted to bury his face on her waist and feel that coldness of the chain around his chin and smell her vanilla perfume which was like a drug. He shook his thoughts aways and ran to his class.

Atlast she reached the class before the bell and Tae was there in the class.

She asked excuse and he let her in the class.

Atlast the bell rang and Minnie hasn't arrived yet. She started to pray for Minnie that Tae shouldn't scold her.

After the prayer Minnie arrived. Tae was about to start the class and that is when she came. He became so furious as his class got disturbed and was about to scold her and that is when Yoongi came behind and told that he was the one who call her to the staff room. Tae let her in only because of Yoongi and Minnie was in cloud nine.

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Total words: 1419

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