Chapter Four

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"How quickly the blade becomes You."


Night had fallen, shading the city and being burnt apart by torches in its dark cloak.
Adira watched noiselessly, as she had done for the past three days.
The palace itself was impossibly guarded, but that didn't worry her. She had no intentions of sneaking in. At least, not all the way in.

Adira had seen a man walking the grounds with a fey woman on his arm. The woman was built in the way most fey, lithe and beautiful. She had golden hair, not common, and dark brown skin that contrasted beautifully.
The man on her arm though was something else.
The large wings on his back spoke of shifter blood. She made an assessment of him, disregarding the golden-haired woman at his side.
Whatever shifter blood he possessed, Adira doubted he had the gift itself. He was too fae in appearance, the only thing that wasn't, being his wings.
But he was large in size, even for a fey male. He looked strong, though appeared gentle by nature.
Perhaps that assessment could be in the presence of the female. Adira assumed the fey on his arm was his mate, and a mate was always supposed to bring out the best in you.

Neither of the two wore uniforms that showed they worked in the palace, yet there they were. And while they may be high fey, they were too comfortable here to be on a diplomatic visit.
No, they were likely friends of the royal family. Perhaps the Queen herself.

The green skinned male had become Adira's target. She shouldn't be here much longer and her original target seemed to be away. It was a problem, a larger one than she'd have liked, but this other male presented a second chance. Yes, he wasn't as good of a kill as her former target, but if she'd analyzed everything correctly, he was a decent candidate nonetheless.
They may not be able to deliver their intended message now, but if he was a friend of the Queen... then they could at least make it personal.

It was then that a dark purple stallion rode in fast, it's rider making her pause.
He took off his helmet as he dismounted.
Adira couldn't believe her luck.

The General.
Queen Etana's oldest and most efficient warrior.

More importantly, her original target.

Adira was being hasty, she knows, but time was not on her side... and she'd take what she could get.

The moon was full above the courtyard, giving her the final push she needed.

Adira had learnt the schedules, the habits, the mannerisms, of every single guard on duty. Still, even then, it would take a near impossible skill and ability to pull off what she was about to.
Luckily, she fitted the criteria.

Moving swiftly, Adira entered the palace walls, shifting and moving with the shadows. She narrowly avoided several guards as she went, willing the Earth's shadows to aid her, her gift stronger under the full moon.

She was right by the stables, just moments away when footsteps approached. A Guard.

Her body arched, twisting and turning with the sudden Guard as he spun, a part of him clearly sensing another presence and immediately going for the offensive.

Adira made a rock move in the near distance and followed behind his back as he turned to face the noise.
Not wasting any time, she entered the stables.

Bound Blade (GirlxGirl) 18+Where stories live. Discover now