Chapter Two

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"The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned."

Priggodom was beautiful, glittering, and serene. The crown of Mağōs. It had prospered since Queen Etana's reign and no other kingdom could come close to it's glory. On this continent or any other.

No beggars lined the streets and no family went un-fed. This was an accomplishment no other could boast of.

It was easily the jewel of the South. To the North lay the mortal lands, and the West was filled with creatures and beings exiled and banished.

Queen Etana looked out, seeing the sea sparkle against the setting sun. That sweet scented breeze filled her lungs and she found herself relaxing at it's warmth.

"I take it court was no fun?"

A blonde faerie entered with a lopsided grin that was about as much a part of him as the hand on his arm. "Is it ever?" She asked

The faerie- Apollo, let out a chuckle. He was tall and lithe with a natural grace all fey posessesed without needing to try. But he stood with restrained power, as if there was a large amount of it bubbling just under the surface that he paid no mind to. Anyone with eyes would be able to notice a warrior when they looked at him.

"I hear it was more brutal than usual?" Apollo asked curiously. He normally paid no heed to such matters, but even he must've sensed something turning, something changing.

Now the Queen frowned, reminded of her worries. "The crime has gone up. We've had stealing and even attempted rape. Not only that but we had a murder too-- near the outskirts of the city. This is Priggodom for the Angels' sake, not Meldor or Thievezcastor." Her tone had taken on a sharp anger towards the end and an unmistakable pulse of power reached out at the show of emotion, as if to grab anything that might satiate her restlessness. But Apollo seemed unphased by her power, if only a little more on guard.

The cities Etana spoke of, such as Meldor and Thievezcastor, were grimy and dark. There were far too many people and far too little housing. Murderers walked the streets and rapists pleasured themselves without fear.

"What was their punishment?" Apollo asked carefully. He hadn't seen his cousin so troubled in years. As a matter of fact, they hadn't truly faced crime like this in years either. Not in their city.

"The thief was kicked out of Priggodom, the rapist exiled to the West, and the murderer sentenced to die." Queen Etana said all of this blankly, no regret or remorse. This Kingdom, her Kingdom, had not gotten to where it now was led by weakness.

"All fair," Apollo agreed. He drew closer to his cousin. "Elex told me of your decision," He said seriously. "I hope you know I'm not leaving your side. War means there's a target on your back every moment of everyday."

Etana wasn't surprised. She'd told Elex only to tell those he trusted. She'd have told Apollo herself. "We both know if any of us is capable of protecting the other it is me, right?" She grinned, a gentle teasing in her eyes.

Apollo only rolled his eyes. He was adept at sword play and was one of the most feared of her soldiers and guard... but they both knew he only possessed but a fraction of her power.
"You should really be more grateful," He replied, with no true offense taken.

"I see Calixte has returned," He then spoke, tone a little different, curious in a way he tried to hide. "Quite soon if I might add."

Etana hummed. "She has, though I've just sent for her family to join us. I want them safe." She answered his other statement as well. "And we both know she pisses of the spirits more than anyone. I'm surprised she didn't return sooner."

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