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Chapter 4 - Grover Needs a Haircut—or Wax

AFTER AN HOUR of endless scrubbing, sweeping, and whatever else I had to do, I heard a beep from outside

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AFTER AN HOUR of endless scrubbing, sweeping, and whatever else I had to do, I heard a beep from outside. I look through the window of the second floor to see Sally and Percy in Gabe's Camaro. I grin and run over to my room, grabbing my bag with all of the belongings I decided to bring with me. I thought since it was going to be a short trip, I didn't need much, but I also decided to hide my precious stuff—like my skateboard—so the Wright's wouldn't break it in half.

I sling my backpack over my shoulder and run downstairs, not saying a word as I pass by the two devils, even though I could hear their aggressive yelling. I open the door and practically sprint over to the car, hopping in the backseat.

"Hi, guys! Nice seeing you here!" I say, closing the door and putting my bag next to me. They laugh and Sally begins to drive off.

Percy turns around to face me and frowns, "Dude, what happened to your face?" He asks. Shit. I totally forgot about the scrapes across my cheek and forehead.

"I, uh, tripped on the sidewalk. It was really embarrassing and I don't wanna talk about it." I respond back, hoping they'd believe me.

Percy shrugs, "yeah, that makes sense." I let out an internal sigh of relief, before I noticed Sally's expression through the rearview mirror. Maybe I should start panicking...

I shake those thoughts out of my head. It's fine, what am I talking about? Even if she did know something, what could she do about it? I'd rather stay with the Wright's than have to move somewhere else; I mean, what if I end up on the other side of the country? Then I'd never be able to see Sally and Percy ever again.

Either way, I decide not to say anything further about the subject and instead choose to sit in silence in the backseat. I looked out the window as Sally drove, admiring the view of the city—and soon the beach. A small smile forms on my face as I watch the beach come into view. The water was a dark shade of blue and the sand was a cool beige color. I'm not sure why, but the beach always gave me a sense of comfort, in the way you feel when you see a childhood toy or something. Weird, right? But it made my chest feel warm and my brain felt satisfied.

Weirdly enough, though, I've always had this odd fear of the deep sea. It's not something anybody really knows, though, considering that it was never a topic brought up. But I mean, honestly, what is down there? The fact you can't see what's underneath you at any time mixed with all the huge and dangerous creatures in the ocean alone made me shiver.

Once we make it to the cabin in Montauk, my grin widens. This place was awesome!

"Whoa," I say aloud, putting my backpack on my shoulders, "I see why you guys like to come here."

Percy nods his head, clearly excited. "Yeah, it's awesome, isn't it?" He asks, glancing over to me.


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