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Chapter 1 - My Best Friend Gets Expelled

Chapter 1 - My Best Friend Gets Expelled

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This was the last thought I could remember before being abruptly shaken awake by my best friend, Percy Jackson.

"C'mon Kyra, we're here," he said to me, giving me one last flick on the forehead as a way to wake me up.

I waved him off, before stretching my arms and standing up. I looked outside the bus window to find a large museum in the way. I rubbed a hand down my face, before turning back to look at my green-eyed friend. "This is not gonna go well for us." I told him, before glancing at our other best friend, Grover Underwood. "Please tell me this isn't going to end with us blowing up the museum?"

Grover gave a nervous shrug. He always seemed to be anxious whenever it came to me and Percy, but I couldn't blame him. Trouble managed to find us no matter where we went.

"Just...don't think too hard about it," Grover said, before turning around and heading towards the front of the bus. As he did so, I tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows at the light brown smudges on the back of his head.

"Is that peanut butter in your hair?" I asked, becoming increasingly confused by the second. What had happened while I was asleep?

Grover noticeably winced at my question, but continued to walk without answering my question. I followed behind him and exited the bus, before looking at Percy, who gave a quick jog to catch up to me.

He noticed my questioning stare and sighed, although I could sense the irritation in voice. "Don't ask."


ONCE WE CAUGHT up to the rest of the class, the three of us gave our not-so-sincere apologies to our chaperones, Mr. Brunner and Mrs. Dodds. I say not-so-sincere because let's be honest, what did we have to be sorry for? As much as I loved museums—which was a lot—I knew what field trips were for Yancy, and they were not for the students' enjoyment. I mean, come on, did they really think we couldn't see the photographers waiting to show how fantastic the Yancy experience was?

Anyways, we gave them our apologies, and in return received two very different reactions. On one hand, Mr. Brunner gave us a nod with a kind smile, stating: "It's no worry at all, just be sure not to get lost, we may not be able to find you three again."

On the other hand, Mrs. Dodds scowled at us and gave us—mostly Percy, now that I think about it—the meanest glare in the history of the universe. Even with the brooding look on her face that said: I wish I could reinstall ancient punishment techniques in school systems, she didn't say anything directly to us.

After the little interaction ended, we followed Mr. Brunner as he led us on a tour of the museum. Soon we came up to a stele, which had a variety of mythological stories on it. One of the images I recognized immediately as Kronos eating his kids—five of the Greek gods. Mr. Brunner had called on Percy to answer the question of what the image was depicting, to which Percy answered correctly.

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