Chapter Thirteen

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TW: Death, gore

The skies had darkened considerably and a light wind tousled the bare treetops as Lucas' garage door rumbled open and the silver car rolled in silently.

Time and M were enjoying a five hundred piece puzzle of a city skyline on the kitchen table as Amber, curled up in a soft blanket on a chair nearby with her head resting on her paws, looked on with slight curiosity. Suddenly, the door burst open and a figure stumbled through, holding a large cardboard box filled with plastic bags of metal pieces and pipes that clanked against each other.

Startled, they rose to their feet as Amber's head peaked up, ears twitching towards the noise. M's fingers instinctively strayed to his waist where his knife was normally hidden underneath his cloak, but remembered that he had left it in the nightstand after Lucas had encouraged them the night before that they were safe from any dangers. Time did the same motion for his sword and came to the same conclusion.

The figure stumbled closer and set the box down with a thud, and they realized with a little embarrassment that it was Sabre, back from the hardware store with the supplies for the Professor's machine. They just hadn't recognized him in the dark with his face concealed behind the box.

"Hey guys," Sabre said as Ryan came in with the rest of the parts. "What's going on? Why are you all squared up?"

"Uh... well, we kinda thought that you were an intruder or something," M confessed, then quickly defended their actions. "It took us by surprise."

"Understandable," Ryan said, placing his smaller box on the ground next to Sabre's. "These things do make a lot of noise."

"Finally!" Time and M jumped as the Professor exclaimed behind them. "That took much, much longer than it should considering how technologically advanced your species is compared to ours. Bring the parts down to the room Lucas and I've set up and I'll begin. Lucas already produced tools for my use, so I need you two to pull your weight."

"Okay, okay. Geez," Sabre grumbled. "You don't have to be so bossy, you know." He trudged down the narrow basement steps, careful not to miss a step or he would tumble down and possibly warrant a visit to the hospital. He walked to the door of the room and tried to balance the box on his knee as he turned the doorknob, but once the box almost fell off, he decided to just put it down and open the door normally. As he looked down and placed the box carefully on the ground, the door flew open and hit him on the top of the head with a crack.

"Agh! Holy-!" He held his head in pain as Lucas looked through the crack between the door and wall.

"Oh, shoot! Sorry, Sabre! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine, but it hurts like h-"

"You're completely fine," the Professor interrupted behind him. "Also, that language is not acceptable. Please use it more tactfully." He walked past him, his coat brushing against Sabre's nose. He glared at Professor Red.

"Wow, I'm so glad you care about me so much," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"That tone is also not acceptable. Please refrain from using it with me. You never know when I could strike." He flashed a cheeky smile, which only made Sabre more upset. He sighed with irritation and followed them into the room. It was almost completely bare, save for a small worn table and chair in the corner and some grid paper and pencils left on top for blueprints. There was also a small red toolbox on the ground next to the table ready for use.

Ryan dumped his box down in the middle of the room. "Welp, time for you to do your thing, Professor."

"I will do it on my own time, thank you very much," he said with annoyance. "However, if we're going to identify the threat, it must be completed as soon as possible. Now shoo." He walked towards them and waved his hands, ushering them out. "I have work to get done. Bring food at nine AM, one PM, and eight PM. I'm estimated to be down here for thirty-four hours. Shoo." Once they were outside the room, the door slammed in their faces. The group was silent for a moment.

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