Chapter Two

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"Green Steve?" Sabre asked in disbelief. "Is it- is it really you?"

Green dropped the basket he was holding, spilling various herbs onto the ground. He rushed over to Sabre and gave him a big hug, burying his head into Sabre's shoulder, the one that wasn't bleeding. Green trembled a little as his tears spilled onto Sabre's dark green hoodie. His voice was shaky and choked up. "I t-thought you would never c-come back. We thought that- t-that- "

Sabre hugged him back with his undamaged arm and said to him softly, "I know, I know. But I'm back now, somehow."

Green looked up at Sabre and nodded, his bright jade eyes glistening with tears. His gaze drifted to Sabre's shoulder, and he gasped and backed up a little. "Sabre, you're bleeding! What happened?!"

"It, uh, doesn't matter right now," Sabre said hastily. "There were some wolves. I'll be fine for now." Really, the cut burned and stung badly, but Sabre didn't want to worry Green too much at the moment.

"No, you're coming with me to my house so I can fix you up. No buts." He grabbed Sabre's wrist and pulled him over to the basket he dropped, shoved the herbs back in, stood up, and started dragging Sabre along with him through the forest. Sabre knew better than to protest. His friend, despite his color and disposition, was stronger than he looked.

After a few minutes, they reached Green's home. The walls were a light-colored wood, and the ceiling and windows were a pretty light green that glowed in the spotty sunlight. The trees towered over the two-story house, and vines crawled up the walls and roof.

Green had stopped pulling Sabre along a minute before, and Sabre walked beside him, remembering everything that had happened at Green's house. Green had helped him conquer the Darkness in a way after Sabre had pushed through his corruption. The Darkness was a force that was originally thought to be evil, but Sabre had discovered that it could be used for good as well. Green had given him advice and cared for him when no one else would, which gave him the strength to continue on and eventually destroy Rainbow Void. Then, when the First Curse was a problem (someone Sabre never wanted to see or think about ever again), Green came along with him on the adventure.

Sabre then realized that he had missed his friends more than he thought when he lived in the beginning of the Steve Realm. He had been incredibly lonely out in the wilderness by himself, and he missed going on adventures and, surprisingly, defeating villains with his friends and allies.

Green unlocked and opened the front door and gestured for him to come inside. "Here, sit on the couch over there while I grab my medical supplies," Green instructed as he walked in. Sabre did as he was told and took a seat as Green hurried upstairs. Sabre placed his bag and dagger on the floor by the couch and looked around. The room was just as he remembered. The couch sat against the wall with the window, and Green's chair faced it. The fireplace in the corner crackled merrily, lighting up the dimming room.

When Green came back down, the basket had been replaced with a first-aid kit. Green sat down next to him and took out a roll of bandages, a salve Sabre didn't recognize, and antibacterial wipes. "I need you to take off your hoodie and anything underneath so I can dress your wound," he said.

Sabre complied and pulled off his hoodie and a teal shirt underneath. Green started cleaning the wound with the wipes, and Sabre flinched a little. The cut stung intensely. Green noticed his reaction and said to him, "I know it hurts, but I need to clean it. You'll be alright. Just hold still."

Sabre nodded and held still for Green as he cleaned the cut. When he finished, he dabbed the salve on and around the gash. "This is a little something I made with a combination of my powers and a few common herbs," Green said absentmindedly. "It'll help your wound stitch itself back together."

He put the salve away and wrapped Sabre's shoulder with the bandages. "Thank you, Green," Sabre said. "For everything. Not just what you did right now, but everything you've done for me."

"Hey, it's no problem. Besides, I'll always be on your side." Green stood and held out his hand. Sabre took it, and Green helped him up. "We should get to the village and tell everyone you're back. The Village Leaders will be ecstatic!"

"Wait," Sabre said, and Green stopped. He needed to know something before he went anywhere. "Green, has anyone found Time while I was gone? And how long have I been gone?"

Sabre could tell Green knew he would ask about Time. Time had stuck by Sabre through thick and thin, and Sabre had stayed by his side in the darkest times. Even in their last moments, they were together. "We found Time," he said slowly, careful with how he spoke, "but- "

"What do you mean, 'but'?!" Sabre exclaimed. "What happened?! Is he okay?! Did he- "

"Sabre! Sabre! Calm down!" he said, gentle yet firm. "Time was found, but he was injured. The Village Leaders won't let him use his powers for now just in case there were any repercussions from the amount of energy he expended, so he's still healing. He's been living in the house that you shared with him when you were still here."

Sabre exhaled with relief. He thought he would never see his friend again, but Time was okay. "Alright, that's good. But, uh... how long have I been gone?"

"About seven months," Green said to him. "Time was found only two months ago near the area I found you earlier today, and he's been recovering steadily." Green turned and walked to the door. "If we're going to make it before sundown, we better hurry."

"You're right," Sabre said sheepishly. "I shouldn't have held us up with my questions. We should get going." He grabbed his bag and dagger and followed Green outside, eager to see the rest of his friends again.

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