Chapter Eleven

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Sabre found Light and Professor Red crowded around Ryan, who was scouring the refrigerator in the kitchen for food.

"Hey! Get out of there, you raccoon!" Lucas said, waving them away.

"But Lucas, we're staaarving," Ryan complained.

"All the more reason to get out of the way. I'm making those frozen pizzas that I bought a few weeks ago."

Ryan and Sabre cheered. "Oh, I haven't had pizza in forever!" Sabre exclaimed.

The Steves were confused once again. "What's pizza?" Time asked. "And why are you so excited about it?"

Lucas and Ryan stared at him in shock. "Oh. My. God. You guys don't know what pizza is?! This is an outrage!" Lucas cried out. "Your world must be awful."

"Guys, they're from a kind of medieval period, so it's not their fault. They don't have fast food, or video games, or-"

"That's it!" Lucas grabbed the frozen pizza from the bottom shelf in his freezer and slammed it onto the counter, grabbing a pair of scissors to cut away the plastic around it. "I'm cramming everything good about this world down their throats, and no one can or will stop me!" he declared.

"Is he always like this?" M whispered to Sabre as Lucas furiously cut through and ripped the plastic off the pizza.

"Not normally," he whispered back. "When something this extreme happens, his 'Mom Mode' activates."

"I heard that!" Lucas said to them as he turned the oven on. "I thought I told you to stop saying that about me! I don't do that!"

"Yes, you do!" Ryan said, laughing. He gestured at Lucas dramatically. "You even look like one!"

He turned around, holding a tray with the uncooked pizza on it with a red oven mitt decorated with little flower patterns on his right hand. His face was red with embarrassment. He placed the tray down on the stovetop as he hurried over to the freezer and took the second pizza off the shelf. In doing so, he accidentally knocked a tub of ice cream off the top shelf. Light's reflexes kicked in as he ducked under Lucas' arm and slid on his knees, bending backwards and catching it just before it hit the floor.

He stood and dusted himself off before handing the tub to Lucas, whose eyes were wide with amazement. "Here you go."

"Uh- th-thanks." His voice was filled with slight awe and shock. He shoved the tub back onto the top shelf and shut the freezer. A cheery tune came from the oven as the temperature on the screen flashed. Sabre turned to the Steves and Ryan as Lucas prepared dinner.

"How about we watch some TV while Lucas finishes up? We're crowding him a little."

Ryan's eyes lit up. "Ooh, yes! There's a movie I really wanted to watch with Lucas when we got back! Have you ever seen Forrest Gump?"

"No, but I've heard of it. Is it good?"

"Of course it is! It's about this kid named Forrest that has a disability, and the movie goes through his life and shows him overcoming the unkindness from everyone around him. It's around two and a half hours though, so it might not be the best choice if we want to do something later tonight."

"No, it sounds perfect. It'll be a good start to introducing everyone to our world," he said, gesturing to the Steves. He turned to them. "Do you guys want to watch a movie with us? Or do you want to do something else?"

"Watching a movie sounds fine," Time said, "although I have no idea what that is."

"It's like when you use your Interdimensional TV, except instead of live footage of what's going on in the world, it's often fake. There are documentaries, the news, and sports games, but that's about it for the real things."

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