I'm Here

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As Tim woke up he fell upon the sight of a tired woman cradled in his arms. A tired, beautiful woman. The braid he did the previous night still completely intact. She was lying on top of his arms and he struggled finding a way to escape the comforts of his new unofficial girlfriend. He decided to just slip his arm out and shush her back to sleep when she woke up.
"Mmm Tim come back." she whispered tucking into a smaller, little ball.
"Your biceps are warm, Tim please I'm cold." she pouted eyes still sealed shut.
"For a few minutes Lucy, I need a shower and to call Grey telling him I'm looking after you." he said wrapping her back up in his arms.
"Yay." she whispered a second before falling back into her deep sleep. He quickly slipped out of the bed and pressed a light kiss on her cheek.
He walked over to the coffee machine and made a coffee. As he sipped his coffee he leant against the counter and rung Grey.
"Hey Grey, I can't come into work today," he was interrupted by a yawn, "I need to look after Lucy she can't be alone." he said. As Grey started to speak he quickly added "Don't worry we're not dating." completely forgetting they all knew about them dating.
"Tim did you forget we already know you are. I lost 100 dollars Tim I definitely know you are." Grey chuckled.
"Shit I forgot about that." Tim groaned.
"You can take today off, completely understandable, you want to care for your new girlfriend." Grey teased.
"First, thank you, second, unofficial girlfriend I'm asking her when she wakes up." he yawned again.
"Okay well you take care of your unofficial girlfriend." he mocked.
"Ok thanks." he hung up and sipped his coffee chuckling admitting the bet was quite funny, still not protecting Angela from hell coming for her. He finished off his coffee and put it in the counter. He went to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. As he was rubbing shampoo into his head the realisation hit him, he was gonna date his rookie. He had liked his rookie since he met her. He just stood still in awe of how Mr Rule Follower turned to Mr Fuck The Rules.

As he left the bathroom, with only a robe and boxers on, Lucy was waking up.
"Ugh I feel like a million trains hit me speeding faster than light." she groaned and smushed her head into the pillow.
"Well I'm here to help you recover quickly." he whispered as he slid under the sheets and slowly rubbed his hand over Lucy's back holding her by her waist.
"And then make me not be able to walk for a few days?" she turned to face him and smirked.
"I mean if you want me not to then." he seethed through his teeth teasing her turning away.
"Wait, no. No! I didn't say that who said that?! TIM." she pulled him back over to face him.
"Too late now Luce. Such a shame really." he chuckled.
"Fine then I guess I'll leave." she tutted.
"I was joking please don't. I like my little spoon." he pouted.
"Liar! You don't like me," she stared at him paying attention to his every breath, after a few seconds she said, "you loveeee me."she giggled.
"You definitely know how to get under someone's skin." he sighed.
"I'll take it easy on you if you make me coffee." she winked and laughed.
"Happy wife, happy life." he smiled and wandered out. She quickly stumbled after him blushing so hard.
"Wife huh?" she pulled at the hem of his robe.
"I like Lucy Bradford. Do you to?" he whispered seductively pinning her against the wall. She melted before him falling after his every word.
"Mmh I do." she whispered wrapping her arms around his neck. He pressed his lips against hers lifting her up and placing her on the counter. Her hands wandered his chest and up to his cheek. He pressed one hand against her thigh while his other around her hip. Dangerously low.
"God aren't you hot." he whispered huskily treasuring every second of his hands on her.
"Shut up." she whispered.
*knock knock knock*
"Ignore it." he groaned.
"Timothy stop hooking up with your future wife and open this god damn door." Angela yelled.
"Fuck." they whispered in unison. He sighed, adjusted his robe and walked to the door. Lucy still sat there disappointed, not at him, but that they were interrupted and forced to stop.
"What do you want?" he groaned opening the door for her. She walked in and saw Lucy on top of the counter.
"Damn sorry guys i came at a wrong time. This isn't some dumb shit I usually have to piss you off." she chuckled sitting down on the couch.
"Hi Angela." she said with a sheepish smirk.
"It better not be." he whispered huskily sitting down across from her. Lucy came and sat down next to him. He lifted her on top of his lap and she positioned herself comfortably.
"Lovebirds." she giggled and pulled out her phone and took a picture of them before they could react. "Nice braid Lucy it looks cute." she smiled. It did look quite cute, like a messy bun but braid.
"Angela get to the point." Tim demanded.
"We believe Caleb had an accomplice, we've got some suspects but not a lot. We don't know if he's after Lucy but we will have units positioned around your house until further notice." she announced dropping her friendly grin into a guilty frown. Lucy froze and her body started shaking. "Baby it's okay I'm here protecting you with multiple units outside." Tim whispered comfortingly placing her head on his chest.
"I'll go, sorry to be the bearer of bad news." she said and got up. She honestly felt guilty for interrupting them but she had to say.

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