Forty-three💎missing you🪬

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Aries PoV

It's coming up to Christmas and I haven't really been in the mood for anything, haven't been able to play football due to international break so I have just been doing some one to one training session daily to keep my fit.

Jadon has been in the Netherlands for the past month nearly two months and I'm missing him so much, but we FaceTime every time he is free.

Today is Christmas Eve and I just finished a training session and I'm mean to be making my way to London to spend Christmas with my family however I am really not in the mood but I know my mom wouldn't want me spending Christmas on my own


Hi mom
I'm really not able to make
Christmas tomorrow, i just feel bad
For Jadon. He's in the Netherlands
On his own and tomorrow all his coaches
Are off the celebrate Christmas with their
Family so I just wanted to go other so he wasn't alone
Hope that's okay

Hi Aries.
Of course that is fine
I hope Jadon is all okay

My mom was absolutely fine about not being there for Christmas and she knows me and Jadon are close (friends) and she knows I just want to make sure he is fine


Jadon I'm coming over

No Aries you don't have to

I want to
I'm flying over soon


After booking my flights and packing my suitcase I left my house and got a driver to drive me to the airport, and when I arrived the gates were soon to close in 30 minutes
So I managed to get pass security and passport control in 10 minutes then I ran to the gates and bored the plane and a couple ours later I arrived in the Netherlands

Once I got off the plane i got into a Uber and arrived at the location Jadons was staying at.


Jadon smiled as soon as he opened the door
I walked inside and I gave him the biggest hug
"Hey baby" he says

"Hii" I say looking up to him and he looked down and kissed my lips

"I have missed you so much" he says

"I have missed you too" I say

After hugging for a little while we pulled away and Jadon held my hand and lead my through to the joined living room and kitchen. There was food plaited up on the table with a candle in the middle

"I made you some food" he says making me smiled
I sat at the kitchen island and Jadon sat opposite me and we started eating
"How have you been?" I asked him

"Yeah fine, bit bored but that's it" he says

"You look good though" I say and he smiled

"Calling me fat before?" He asked

"No you dick, you were fit before but even more fitter now" I say looking at him

"I know you joking babe, and yeah I understand I feel it" he says

"Why did you come over though wasn't you supposed to be at home for Christmas?" He asked

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