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Jadon PoV

I have just finished a interview for the Manchester United fans
And now I am modelling in this seasons kits and filming some thing for sky sports and BT sports about the upcoming games

I was now done and I saw Aries walking my way.
"Hey"she say

"Hi" i reply

In that same time our manager came a interrupted our conversation
"Right you both have to be in a press conference in 5 minutes" he say to us

"Okay" me and Aries both says

With our manager in front leading the way to the press conference room me and Aries followed behind him.
When then arrived at the room
Ole opened the door and I walked through and held the door open for Aries to walk through too

"Thank you"she say giving me a smile

"You are welcome" i reply

We both go and walk to the long table that sat at the top of the room looking in front
To all the people that have come from different media's.
There was load of cameras on us waiting for us to begin

Our Manger ole sat in between me and Aries so he was sitting in the middle and me and Aries was sitting either side of him

——— 💎🧿💎🧿press conference💎🧿💎

"Ole how are you feeling about this season?" Someone asked him

"Yeah I am feeling very excited about this season, especially with our two new players in the team and Ronaldo being back!" Ole reply's

"How do you feel about Ronaldo being back do you think he can help the club?" Another media report asked

"I am happy he has come back to the club all the fans and players love him
And yes I do think he can help the club he scores a lot of goals and that is what we need." Ole says

"Jadon,how do you feeling about playing in the premier league" someone asked me

"Yeah I feel excited I can not wait to get on the pitch and start playing"i say

"I bet you have dreamed of this day for a while" they say again

I laughed a little
"Erm yeah I guess it is everyone's dream to play in the premier league it is such a well know league all around the world
I am just happy my family and friends can come watching me" i reply

"Aries you are the first ever player to play in the premier league,how do you feel about it" a source media asked her

"Urm a bit nervous still but I sure everything will be okay" Aries replied

"Do you not think it is dangerous playing in the mens team?" A reporter asked

"Listen I am a very humble and professional player I try my best not to get in trouble with other player including referees whilst I was playing in the WSL so I do not see the issue why I can not do that in the premier league.
If anything did happen I know how to control my emotions and actions and I know how to remove my self away from scenarios" Aries strongly replied

"You are also one of the most expensive female footballer players being sold at €80.5 million how does that make you feel?"

"No different if I am being honest if you work hard and achieve thing these are the type of consequences you get" Aries replied

"You and Jadon seem to become friends already?" Another source asked

"Yeah this is my first time ever meeting Jadon,I have heard so much about him and I have also watched a lot of dortmund and England obviously. Jadon is a very talented and skill full young boy with so much to accomplish as a person but also a player and I honestly can not wait to start playing with each other" Aries responded

"With you both being near enough the same age and both from south East London has that made your friendship come closer?"

"Like I said this is my first time today meeting Jadon I do not know about him personally I only know him as a teammate,but maybe in our free time we can catch up obviously.
Not just about us being both from south east London but we came here together at the same time, but both being from south London Jadon understands the way of life back then and the upbringing and the culture"

"Jadon we can not wait to see you and Aries playing together,what sides are your thinking?" A source asked me

"You know that is entirely up to the manager of course, but I tend to play better on the left but also as I am on the pitch I am not that bothered" i reply

——💎🧿the end of the press conference

Me and Aries walked into the changing room getting all of our stuff to leave old Trafford.
Once we get all of our belongings we start the exit the building and we walked together to our cars

"Weird questions but could I get your number?" I asked Aries

She smiled at me
"Yeah of course"she replied

She got her phone and pass it to me, I entered her number and saved her as 'Aries🫶🏽' I gave her phone back to her

"You did amazing in that press conference" i say to her

"Thank you,so did you" Aries replies

"Listen I know it is early to say this
But if anything happens during a game
I will be with you,okay?
I will let not own hurt you or talk to you rudely" I say to her as we carry on walking to the car park

"Thank you so much Jadon I actually appreciate it so much" she says

"You are very welcome and I mean it too" i say

She just smiled at me

"Anyways see you Jadon thank you for today I will see you soon" she says walking to her car

"Bye" i replied walking to my car

———💎🧿💎🧿💎🧿please vote


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