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Monday 10th January 2022

Jadon PoV

It has been a couple of days since me and Aries went out of dinner on New Year's Eve and as expected the English media have being going absolutely insane

I have seen and spoke to Aries about it and she seems fine about it but things are getting really crazy over the two of us and the English media

Last Monday we had a game against Wolverhampton Wanderers which we somehow lost 1:0, the team did not play well we have no excuses

And it was another game Aries was not at as the medical team still want her to recover from her injury

However, today we have another game which is for the FA cup but I will not be there as it is my aunts funeral
So I got up super early and got ready and started driving to London

When I arrived back home I started getting ready in my suit


Thinking of you today😘

Thank you ma🥰

You okay?

Yeah I'm good,you?

Yeah I'm okay

Okay well depending on what
Time I arrive back in Manchester
I will come to you

Okay anytime don't worry 



It is now later on in the day and me and all my family are in a venue for the wake of my aunties passing
"You okay?" My sister asked me

"Yeah I'm fine" i say then reaching out to my nephew amari and placing him on my lap
I then got a message on my phone


You okay?

Yeah I'm all good
I'm leaving soon I should be
In Manchester around 1am

Okay,safe drive


Eventually I left London and started driving to Manchester the drive ended up being a lot shorter than I expected I arrived in Manchester by 12:30am
I was extremely hungry so I stopped off at McDonald's and then drove to Aries house

"Hey" she says when opening the door

"Hi" I say walking through to her kitchen and placing the McDonald's bags on the kitchen island

"I was hungry so I got some food but I also got you some too" i say to her

She stood there with a big smile on her face I walked over to her and gave her a hug which I have actually been needing all days
Then we sat opposite each other

As always it was kinda dark in the kitchen
All the blinds where covering her 4 doors leading out to her back yard
There was one spotlight on in the kitchen that created a bit of light and the rest came from the tv In the living room

"You okay?" She asked me

"Better now" i say giving her a smile

Friends to lovers?-jadon sancho Where stories live. Discover now