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firstly, thank you so much for selecting this book. it means so, so much. I've been dreaming up this story since 2021, and it's evolved so much since I started writing. there's so much of my own life and experiences infused into these (virtual) pages, and it's been so fun getting to process life through this fun little story. a story that is quite literally a piece of my heart.

here's the tea: I'm a big romance girlie, but I didn't have my first kiss until I was 23. yes, 23. I got my driver's license, graduated high school, got a tattoo, and graduated university before I'd ever been on a date. and, I'm not gonna lie, that messed me up a little bit. I grew up reading about girls who had boy problems as early as middle school, where the idea of having your first kiss after 16 would be considered laughable.

I'd always longed to read something where I'd actually be able to relate to the main character. where she'd be perfectly normal, but "behind" on romantic experiences. but I could never find anything that scratched this particular itch. so, I wrote it instead!

this story is for everyone who craves romance but hasn't been lucky in love. who finds love scary! who didn't date in high school, whether that was by choice or not. who didn't have their first kiss until they were 18! or 21! or even later than 23! (I've yet to meet anyone who's had their first kiss later than I have, but I would love to be dethroned from my little soapbox).

it's okay. like, actually, it's okay. and I know lots of people probably say this to you, but I hope it means a little extra coming from someone who's been there, who knows how complicated and sucky it is to feel like you're falling behind. to feel like you'll never get there.

I hope this story makes you smile. it's kinda cheesy and silly but I hope you find it fun. and I hope it gives you hope. because writing it has given me a lot of hope.


deeda ♡


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