౨ৎ 009. "i don't want to be friends"

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nonsense chapter nine_________________________________

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chapter nine

third person.

The day of Kara and Matt's plan finally arrived. They eagerly headed to pick up Stella, their plan bubbling with anticipation. As they drove to Stella's place, the atmosphere in the car was filled with a mix of excitement and nervous energy.

Once Stella was in the car, the trio made their way to the triplets house, where Nick was already waiting. Laughter and chatter filled the living room as they all settled in, but in air of expectancy lingered beneath the surface.

Meanwhile, Chris, very unaware of the plot unfolding around him, was occupied elsewhere in the house. As fate would have it, a seemingly innocent need brought him down to the living room.

In that moment, time seemed to freeze. Stella's eyes met Chris's, and a brief, unspoken exchange passed between them. He didn't seem too thrilled to see Stella in his house. Kara and Matt, sharing a glance of determination, nodded silently.

Without missing a beat, Kara took Stella gently by the arm, claiming she needed Stella to go to the bathroom with her. Simultaneously, Matt approached Chris with a casual gesture guiding him into the guest room, where Kara had actually brought Stella, and the door closing behind them.

Inside, Chris and Stella found themselves in a room, eyeing each other with a mix of surprise and suspicion. Before they could voice their confusion, the realization hit them — they were locked in a room together.

Sitting down on the bed, Chris thought, "Talking won't change what happened. Stella kissed Mason, and nothing can undo that. I don't even want to hear her excuses," he crossed his arms, "it's clear she doesn't understand what she did hurt me. Avoiding her was the best thing that I could do and now here we are, trapped in this stupid room."

On the other hand, Stella thought, "This is uncomfortable. I messed up, and Chris has every right to be upset with me," she sat down on the opposite side of the bed, her back facing Chris', "but I know avoiding each other won't fix it. We can't just pretend it didn't happen. I just need him to understand that it was only a mistake. It's not like I cheated on him." Stella sighed.

Chris was still sat with his arms crossed. Stella on the other hand, took a deep breath, mustering the courage to break their awkward silence.

Stella hesitated for a moment, then spoke softly, "Chris, we can't keep avoiding this. We need to talk."

Chris remained stoic, his gaze fixated on the wall in front of him. Stella continued, her words carefully yet determined, "I know what happened was wrong, and I regret it. But avoiding each other won't fix anything. We're friends and all this is doing is breaking us apart."

Chris finally turned around to meet her eyes, a storm of conflicting emotions within, "Yeah, Stella, that's the fucking problem. I don't want to be friends. And talking will never change what happened."

Stella looked down at the bed and sighed, "You're right, but I need you to understand that it was a one time thing, and it was a mistake. It's not like I cheated on you, Chris."

His gaze remained intense, a mix of hurt and anger simmering beneath the surface, "I know I messed up. I'm not trying to make excuses. But I need you to know that I never intended to hurt you. You know that I would never hurt you in any way." Stella looked at Chris with many emotions swirling through her eyes, he just couldn't seem to understand her mind. Understand exactly what she's thinking.

He so badly wanted to forget anything happened at all. He wanted to tell her everything's okay. He wanted to hold her hand and say that he forgives her and nothing else matters. But his pride was getting in the way of that. He couldn't bring himself to let go of that hurt.

"I just," Chris started. Genuinely, he had no clue on what to say to Stella. So many words floated in his mind, but none of them seemed good enough to say, "I just don't know if I can." He locked eyes with her. He could tell she's hurting, but he didn't want to admit it.

"I don't want to lose you, Chris, you know that." Stella said.

Chris nodded, "I know, Ella," he gave her a half smile, "you won't."

The two stayed in an awkward yet comfortable silence. Stella felt like she said all that was needed. Chris, on the other hand, had so many unspoken words he wanted to say. Words he needed to say.

"So, what does this mean?" Stella broke the silence.

Chris shrugged, "I still think that talking won't fix anything at all."

Stella nodded, tears slowly slipped out of her eyes. Chris noticed this, because again, he noticed everything. It hurt him even more to see her cry, but all he could do was look away. He didn't want to see her cry. And he didn't want her to see him cry.

Stella, wiping away a tear, took a deep breath and said, "I get it. If you need time, I'll give you that. But shutting me out won't make this go away." And with that, Stella opened the door and walked out. The door closed behind her, leaving Chris alone with his thoughts. The room echoed with the weight of unspoken words and the complexity of emotions that had yet to find their way into the open.



better man by taylor swift makes me wanna dig a hole, lay in it, and cry.
also sorry for this chapter, it upsets me too

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