Chapter -1

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Potter Mansion

A Master bedroom is seen where a girl sorry, a lady of age 25 who looks powerful with her aura around her is playing with her godson she is none other than


The Women who won

For the past five years, she has seen that she didn't age like a normal witch so she decided to go to Gringortts to Check Her inheritance test.

She got ready in her classy lady-like outfit

She got ready in her classy lady-like outfit

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She look at her godson who is looking at her in aww saying

" Mama you look pretty"

"Aww thank you baby now let's get you ready"

With that teddy just ran to his room saying he is a big boy which made Iris giggled a little

When he came to her after he dressed

When he came to her after he dressed

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" You look, handsome baby"

"Thank you, mama"

With that, both godmother and godson duo Took the floo to gringorts as they were the only family allowed to after Iris apologized but they are thankful to her for taking out that vile thing out of the bank.

Sharptooth just smiled seeing them

Iris said " May your gold flow master Sharptooth"

"May your enemies cower under your feet Lady Potter How may i help you"

" I would like to take my inheritance test"

"Of course my lady"

He took a parchment and A dagger saying

" Seven drops on the parchment please"

She just did that and the parchment glowed

Sharptooth took it and his jaw dropped shouting in Gobbledegook

Iris knows something is serious 

The next thing she knew is the Goblin king came inside and kneeled before her which made  the goblins present their kneeling too

Goblin king " Welcome Mistress of Death"

Iris was beyond shock She just took that parchment and she herself felt shocked looking at that

Iris Nova Potter Black Peverell

DOB: July 31, 1970 ( Changed to match the twilight reference)

Core: Grey

Parents: James Charlus Potter Peverell (Deceased)

                     Lilian Evens/ Emerys (Deceased)

Siblings: Draco Malfoy (cousin)

                     Neville Longbottom (Godbrother)

                      Luna Lovegood ( Soul sister)

Godparents: Alice Longbottom ( Unavailable)

                            Sirius Black ( Deceased)

Ladyships: Potter, Peverell, black, Gryffindor, emerys, Slytherin

Titles: Girl Who Lived

               Women Who won

                 Mistress of Death

Additional: Partial Metamorphgus, Natural Animagus, Untapped seer, Eidetic memory, Parslemouth, Natural Occlumency and legilimency, Wandless magic, Nonverbal magic           

Soulmate: Will know when you feel they are near you

Properties: So many to list

Blocks& Potions: Neutralised with killing curse

Iris just sat on the chair feeling overwhelmed

She just called "Death"

They all of them felt a presence to see death is standing there

" Finally you called Mistress"

" So is that the reason i am not aging"

He just nods

"So i am an immortal"

He nods again

"Okay and i have a soulmate"

"Yes Misstress he/she will be immortal with you"

She nods

"What about my teddy?"

" You want him to mistress"

"I will let him decide when he is big"

Iris decided knowing she had to move somewhere away from the wizarding world

So after settling all the process in Gringotts she didn't have to come often for money as they gave her a platinum card

She just went to Potter Manor and wrote letters to draco, neville, Luna, and weasley families saying that she is moving out of the country for safety and she told them why too

On that that day Iris Nova Potter And Teddy Lupin left the wizarding world and Uk to start a fresh life

Now they are on their way to Forks

Not knowing her soulmate is present there

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