Chapter 12: Extreme Training Session

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Location: Enterprise's room

Date: 12 Dec 1941

0700 hours

Enterprise POV

I remember today I have training with Alexander, so I wake up earlier than usual. Heck, I can't believe he had experiencing something worse than everyone here. Then I heard knock at the door.

Belfast: "Miss Enterprise, it's time to....Oh, you already wake up."

Me: "Yeah, something wrong?"

Belfast: "Oh nothing, it's nice to see you change your behavior. Anyway, please follow me."

Me: "Alright."

Belfast and I walk to cafeteria. After order some food, we take a seat.

Belfast: "May I ask why you wake up earlier, looks like you expect something today."

Me: "Well, Alexander said he'll give me some training that will help me, in exchange for better change of my behavior."

Belfast: "I see." *chuckle*

Me: "What so funny?"

Belfast: "Nothing. Looks like he really care for you."

I blush a bit.

Me: "W-Well, he just...hey, you do the same thing."

Belfast: "I do this because it's my job and I want to know more about you. But him....looks like he took a shine from you."

Me: *stutter* "Ah a-anyways, I must go now."

Belfast: *teasing tone* "Oh, don't want to make him waiting huh?"

I can feel my face become red.

Me: "Oh please stop it Belfast."


0800 hours

Enterprise POV

Belfast and I arrive at training ground and I see Alexander waiting.

Alexander: "Nice. You're here, and Belfast too."

Belfast: "Good morning, Mr. Alexander."

Alexander: "Morning."

Then he look at me.

Alexander: "So, ready for training?"

Me: "Yeah, I'm ready!"

Alexander: "Okay, so this training will be divided in three session. First, test for accuracy and attack speed, second, test for fast reaction, and last, test for diversion. But for today, we will do until second section."

Me: "Uh huh, so for first session, what should I do?"

Alexander then jump to his ship.

Alexander: "For this session, I will launch some dummy planes, and you must shoot all of them in 10 minutes."

Me: "Wait, you mean I must shoot your jets?"

Alexander: "Of course not, I will use propeller plane. But this planes is bit different from what you always used."

Then he launch 10 planes I never see before, even thought it's propeller planes.

Alexander: "It's called P-51D Mustang. This plane is faster than the plane you are used to, and is the most produced variant of its time. *raise his hand* On my mark!"

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