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Ms. Pope was true to her word and we did not do much but 'get to know me' papers and coloring pages. A bit young for high-school? Yes. This instead of work? Yes. Me and Bea got to know each other better including me talking about my old home in Russia, and what has happenend since i've gotten here. We both paused our conversations to a girl, Elsa, walking up to Björn, friends giggling in their desks behind her. "Hi Björn! I just wanted to ask..." She said, smiling. "Just say it!" One of her friends yelled. In response she giggled. "Do you want to eat lunch with me?" She finally said. I looked back at him to see his face. His friends laughed around him. He looked me in the face, unsure of what he should say. I fought my nervousness and continued the staring. I hoped he would understand. "Sorry, but i'm planning on sitting with someone else today. Maybe another time." He responded. She frowned at first but perked back up once she realised he said 'maybe another time', still giving her a chance. She went back to her friends who started clapping for her. "Good choice man, I heard she's crazy!" One of his friends said. "She's a nice girl but not exactly my type." He said. "She'll find the right person for her, I do not fit the bill." He finished. "Dude, your so generous I think i'm gonna puke. Be a man!" The same guy said, giving him a playful punch to the arm. "Those girls are really full of themselves. Last year, they humiliated my old friend Vincent for liking Elsa. He finally confessed with a sweet love letter, and she tore it up right infront of him. The whole school laughed in his face. He switched schools now, living in London." Bea said. "He was quite the charmer too." She finished. "That's so cruel. Poor thing." I said. "Sometimes he sends letters. She tried to do the same thing to Wilma for also crushing on 'you-know-who' but turns out Wilma had more people on her side than not so that was her downfall. Wilma's number one now, but I don't mess with social status much. I just know Wilma from elm and we've stayed friends since." Bea said. "Only person I know from here is Aglaya." I said. "Does 'you-know-who' know about Wilma's crush on him?" I asked. "Almost everybody in the school puts them together, so probably. He hasn't sent any signs of liking anyone yet. Except for you." Bea answering, smirking. My eyes widnened at her words and my body tensed. "You think I haven't been seeing all those looks you give each other. It's really obvious by the way." She said all of this lowly so I didn't have to worry about him hearing. "Uhm..." I said, at a lost for words. "It really matters who he picks though. Obviously don't tell anybody. I personally believe Wilma and Bjorn aren't for each other. Not anything negative towards them though, but you and him? Connected like the last pieces of a puzzle." She said. "Love at first sight isn't anything but some sort of innocent lust. I don't even know him that well. Plus, he probably likes Wilma." I said, denying her words. She scrunched her nose in response and went back to the 'get to know me' paper that was sitting on her desk.

The bell once again rang and sadly, my next class wasn't with Bea. We both said our goodbyes to each other and went our separate ways. I finally got to my class that was on the other side of the school. The bit of students that were in there turned to look at me and went on with their business a second later. I looked up on the chalkboard which had the words 'Sit Anywhere You Want!" written on it. I looked around again and saw that the class had tables rather than desks and had two seats assigned to them on both sides. I sat in a seat that was nearby the wall on the left-hand side of the room. More students walked in before the bell rung. The teacher shut the door and walked to the front of the class. "Hello class. I am Ms. Haraldsson. If you were too lazy to read, this is math class. Today we're going to jump right into year 11 math. Who wants to hand out the papers." She said in a flat tone. No soul in that class raised their hand. "Must I do everything myself..." She muttered before going to pass out the papers herself. Ms. Haraldsson had a slim face with many wrinkles. Her hair was reddened and in a short-curly look. She was wearing a white button-up tucked into her long black skirt that went below her knees. She wore black penny-loafers and thin white stockings underneath. Students near me sighed as they read what was on the sheets of paper. When she got to me she looked at my face and her eyes widened. She tapped my shoulder and spoke to me. "Are you perhaps related to Leontiy Aleksandrov?" She asked, a smile on her face. "Uh yes, he's my father." I responded, taken aback by the mention of my father. "Oh that is so funny! He was one of my best exchange students. He had a great personality and an even better score in my class. You look just alike." She said, laughing at the coincidence. At this point, the whole class was staring at me and her. I had to think of something quick to get their eyes off me. "Wow I never knew. I hope I can live up to his legacy." I said, giving her a nervous laugh and a quick smile. "Ah yes, I also hope you will." She said, giving me one last smile before returning to handing out papers.

I finished up my work rather quickly, since this math had been taught to me two semesters ago back in Russia. I went to a special learning school that had us learn stuff ahead of our grade. I heard someone whisper-yelling my name behind me. I turned around and saw Wilma smiling at me. I gave her a smile back before Ms. Haraldsson made an announcement. "It is now time for lunch. Put your papers on my desks and I trust you adolescents to walk there by yourselves. I also don't feel like it. Chop Chop!" She said. Students hurriedly put their papers in the basket on her desk. Wilma caught up with me in the hallway. "Heyyy! I didn't even notice you were in that class until later" She said. "Me neither." I replied. "Do you and Ms. Haraldsson go back? I saw her talking with you and actually stretching her face to smile." She joked. "Well I don't know her but apparently she used to teach my father." I said, leaving out the exchange student part. "Did you transfer? I've never seen you around here before." Wilma asked. "Uh yes I did transfer. I used to go to another school but I moved." I responded. We kept chatting until we made our way to the lunchroom and found a table to sit at. Aglaya and Bea happened to be sitting there too. "Inka! It's so nice to see you." My cousin said, hugging me and sitting back down. "It's nice to see you too Laya. I hope we at least have one class together before the day ends." I said. We sat at a rectangular shaped table where I was sitting in front of Aglaya, Wilma sitting next to her and Bea sitting next to me. I looked over at Wilma as I noticed her eyes were fixated on something. I followed her eyesight to see what she was staring at. Turns out it was someone. That someone was none other than Björn Andresen.

I've just noticed that I have been forgetting the umlaut (the two dots over the O in Björn's name.) in Björn's name. I will fix it in newer chapters but please don't mind it in the older ones! P.S. Elsa has been added to the character list on the INFO chapter.

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