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Weeks had passed after the encounter with Björn. The days were filled with board games and trips to the beach. Then it was August, which had the same first letter as Björn's last name. I hadn't seen him since that day and he lived in my memory. Today was the day we would go to the supermarket instead of small stores that had the snacks we craved at the moment. Me and Aglaya took the job of writing down a list of what we needed. Aglaya would look in the kitchen for missing things and when she named them, I would write the corresponding brand."Anddd.....I think the last thing we need is cheese." Aglaya said, looking over to me to see if I got he message that the list was finished. I looked down at the paper and saw specks of pink glitter decorating it in certain places. "Why'd you insist on me using this pencil again?" I asked, referring to the glitter shedding slowly off the pen. "Because it's stylish! What? If we're doing something so boring, might as well do it in style!" She said, giving my a half-serious explanation. "Well, I think you'd be excited." Aglaya spoke, as I tilted my head in response to her words. "You might see Björn today." She said,further explaining. "I don't have a crush on him! Plus, you've said that every time we go somewhere, and we never end up seeing him." I said, trying to defend myself. "Yeah...I didn't think you had a crush on him. I just thought you guys could be...super good friends!" Aglaya said in response, sarcasm in her voice. "Let's just focus on getting this to Aunt Aggie, instead of a boy." I said, changing the subject. "I'll let that one slide." She said, accepting that fact that the subject would be changed to delivering the list to her mother.

The AC had been repaired awhile ago but there wasn't much need for it, since the days were getting colder. In the car, we sat in the same seats we were in when we went to the beach. Though it was summer, this past week was full of storms. The rain made contact with the window, which resulted in a gentle patter sound. The window was foggy, and I could only see cars when their front lights shined past. I made conversation with my cousin, Arina, while we waited for the car to arrive at the grocery store. We finally had gotten to the store, which it's lights were unreadable because of the rain, and because some lights were lit while others weren't. The frosted-colored lights in the store contrasted with the blue tint in the cloudy sky. Each one of us passed the door to the person behind us before we entered the main entrance of the store. As we entered, the hoods on our heads that protected us from the rain, evacuated from our heads and retreated onto our backs. There was a ding sound that alerted the store workers of our presence. Mitya grabbed a cart from one of the rows as we waited for him. My mother suddenly was aware that she was holding the list and took a look at it. "First thing we need are bananas." My mother said, looking at Mitya to direct him to the banana section. As we walked to the fruit bins, I noticed some sweets on shelves close to the section. It happens that Arina also made eye contact, specifically with the milk chocolates. We both snuck over to the area, making sure our feet didn't squeak and each grabbed a chocolate bar. Then, we snuck over back to the cart and slipped the bars into the wagon. Mitya was aware of our deeds but smiled in reply. "Grab 5, please." My mother said as we made it over to the bananas. Aglaya grabbed 5 bananas and put them in the cart. She then saw the chocolate bars and looked at her siblings. "Why didn't you get me one?!" She whisper-yelled. Her sister shrugged in response and I pointed my thumb at her, tossing the blame from myself. "Get one of what?" My aunt said, lifting an eyebrow. "One of... these nice bracelets!" Arina said, pointing to her wrist and keeping aunt Aggie's eyes off the cart.

After what felt like forever, we were finally at the last few items on our list. "How about me and Aglaya get the pretzels and you meet me at yogurt?" I said to Mitya. He agreed then me and Aglaya were on our way. "Oh look! Buy three get 1 free." Aglaya pointed out on the yellow paper tag. "Err.. a little backwards don't you think?" I said to her. "Well we need that many anyway." She replied. As we grabbed them I felt another presence. "Why would the chips be in the air freshener aisle?" A male voice said. "Ask the workers, not me!" Another male voice replied. "See, the chips are right there! I was right. You should never doubt me Björn!" As soon as I heard the voice and name, my head turned in great curiosity, Aglaya doing the same. Nonetheless, it was the boy from before. This time I saw him, he wasn't wearing a swimsuit, as expected. He wore a brown sweater with a beige collar coming out of the shirt. He then paired his top with a brown belt and jean-bell bottoms. His shoes were brown wing-tipped loafers. We made eye contact and it was like there were sparks between us. My cheeks felt as if I ran across a field 3 times and rested, while a cold breeze hit my face. Aglaya looked at me weird before she saw him, eyes previously on the other male. "Uhm, do you guys need to go right here?" I asked, slightly breaking the tension. "No, the potato chips are farther down." The brunet boy replied. "Hey, you're that girl from last-" He said before Björn wrapped him arm around the other boy's neck and dragged him to another aisle. "Dude! We still need those chips!" Was all I heard before they went to a part of the store, far from this one. "Fate." She said to me. I looked at her crazily before saying "No, that's stupid."

SORRY! for the delay in chapters. I've had some personal activities and also had to do volunteer work. I am back now, and the delay should be over.

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