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Reason: Broken leg, fainting

Symptoms: Heart rate accelerated, pale, shallow breathing, low blood pressure, fracture on left leg, nausea, vomiting

Time in: 6:00 pm February 14th, 2016 -- overnight stay

Date: February 16th

Jennie was still angry, but mostly relieved. Still, every time she saw the results from Rosie’s blood work a rush of heat ran through her body. It was just - how could anyone be so damn careless? If Jennie would have known Rosie would end up being in a hospital the week of her return she would have insisted on, like, phone counseling, or something.

Rosie was lucky the break was reasonably clean cut, though she’d still be out of commision when it came to exercise for a few months. Jennie walked towards her room, needle and supplies in hand. When she entered Rosie already had a fearful look on her face, her eyes went wide and mouth opened.

Jane and Lisa both smiled.

Jennie had been surprised they’d stayed most of the time. Other than going home a few times to get changes of clothes and shower and eat; they’d stuck by Rosie’s side. Rosie had been sleeping most of the time, but Jennie often walked in only to find both of them watching her, or talking quietly to each other. It made Jennie happy that Rosie had people like that in her life; though she wished they’d have kept a closer eye on her during the tour.

In their defense, Rosie was pretty damn stubborn.

“You ready?” Jennie asked, flicking the needle. She’d missed Rosie’s reaction to that move.

Rosie shook her head “no” slowly, trying to push her body away from Jennie but failing due to the cast. “Ca-can’t you get a nurse to do this or something? Why is Jennie in such a hurry to see Rosie with her pants down? Buy me dinner first.”

Rosie smirked when Jennie’s face went bright red. Really Rosie was right; this was a nurse's job. But Jennie had gotten so accustomed to doing everything for Rosie she didn’t really think about it. Then again, it wouldn’t be the first time Jennie had seen Rosie’s butt considering she had to help Rosie get into her wheelchair at one point yesterday. Rosie was out of it, only muttering about how she had to pee. Jane helped her while they waited for the nurse to come and fully escort Rosie to the bathroom.

It had been super clumsy, and Jennie hadn’t really been paying attention to the exposed skin as much as she’d been aggravated by Rosie stumbling around and mumbling random things.

“Oh, come on Rosie,” Jane said and then gave a smile that could only be described as heathonous. “I wouldn’t waste Jennie’s time if I were you…” she then did a weird squeezing motion with her hands that made Lisa roll her eyes and Rosie cower in fear.


“Yeah, yeah,” Rosie muttered. “Just help me flip.”

Jennie walked over to Rosie and took her hand. “Edge to the side, um - Jane, Lisa?” she said the names tentatively, then thought about how she really should have paged a nurse. “Can you help with the legs. Just do it gently so they hang over the bed.”

“I can do th--” Rosie started to say, but when she attempted to push her legs forward she gave out a loud cry of pain. She started painkillers today, ones that wouldn’t make her loopy, but certain movements would still trigger pain.

“Idiot,” Jennie murmured, pushing Rosie down. “Stay still.”

Rosie smirked, and Jennie realized her hand was still pressed against Rosie’s chest, she snatched it away and sighed. Then with Jane and Lisa moving her legs to the side they finally managed to get her in a sitting position on the edge of the bed. Rosie looked up at Jennie. “Now what?”

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