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Reason: Check up

Symptoms: None

Time in: 10:00 am December 3rd, 2014

Rosie held out two tickets, her hand shaking a little because this had to be overstepping with Jennie. It wasn’t easy getting the tickets, either. Not difficult as there was a shortage because like merchandise, Jane always kept extras just in case. But difficult as Jane knew something was up now.

It didn’t help that she told Lisa, so now she had both of them on her back. Didn’t help that Rosie now had to admit that, okay, maybe she liked Jennie more than she should. Maybe as more than a doctor, or a friend - if they even were friends. Were they friends? It felt like that, now. Kind of.

“What’s this?” Jennie asked.

Rosie swallowed in. “Tickets. I have a show coming up in two weeks, I thought you’d want to go maybe. I gave two to Suzy as well. I think she mentioned taking Jisoo.”

“Well, they’re dating, so probably,” Jennie said, still looking at the tickets. Jennie then licked her lips, before biting down. She twirled a loose strand of hair with her finger. “This is - are you sure?” she said looking up.

“What are the dates? I--”

“It’s no big deal or anything,” Rosie said, even though she was sweating. “Bring whoever you want. A date. I just thought, as a friend, you’d want to go.” Ugh. The thought of Jennie bringing a date made Rosie’s jaw lock. But she had to because it was rude to give someone just one ticket, right? No one wanted to go to a concert alone, and Rosie already kind of gathered that Jisoo and Suzy were something based on the occasional doey look they’d throw each other’s way.

“Friends?” Jennie teased, though she still hadn’t grabbed the tickets.

Rosie nodded. “Friends.”

Jennie bit the inside of her cheek, but then grabbed the tickets. Wait, ticket. She grabbed one. “I’m not actually seeing anyone,” she mentioned, a throw away line more than anything, but Rosie’s ears pricked up at it.

“I’ll see if I can make it.” She smiled, and Rosie’s stomach did the weird flippy thing and her chest thumped a little harder than normal.

“Thank you,” Jennie said, twirling her hair. “Again.” She chuckled, her hand coming to cover her mouth. “You know, maybe this whole super idol friend thing isn’t bad.”

Rosie sighed in relief, hoping it wasn’t too noticeable. “Well now it just sounds like you’re using Rosie!”

Suddenly Jennie’s smile shifted into a frown. Her eyes widened and she leaned forward, almost touching Rosie.

“No! I-I really do appreciate this. I, well, thank you.”

Rosie smiled, feeling a warm, bubbling sensation in her chest that moved up her throat. “Jeez, I was just kidding. Let’s do this appointment thing now,” Rosie said, propping herself up on the examination table.

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