Chapter 3: High Stream

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Johnnie layed on his bed, joint resting between his lips, index and middle finger pressed to the rolled up weed.

I sat infront of him to his side, hearing the crackles of the lit up end as he took a hit from it, inhaling it and passing it to me.

By now we were passing a roach, I took the last inhale, sucking all the burnt plant, making sure none was to go to waste.

I looked to the ashtray on the bedside table to the opposite side of Johnnie, I leaned over him, my left hand landing on his thigh for support, and my right hand reached over carrying the roach, smooshing it into the tray.

I didn't realize until I sat back down normally but wearing a tanktop and reaching over someone like that..

but it was Johnnie so it wasn't weird— it was funny, especially noticing his tense body language from it.

I laughed loudly, feeling my eyes hood, he started to laugh too, and the effects of the green definitely hit at this moment, because everything suddenly was in slow motion.

My stomach hurt from laughing so hard, I even fell onto Johnnie, but quickly snapped out of my laughter once I realized how loud we were being, "Shh!" I suddenly said, sitting up again, which 'sobered' him up a bit too.

"Jake is sleeping!" I whisper shouted, "Okay- okay- lets just get on stream, it'll calm us down" Johnnie suggested—

We smoked the joint specifically so we could do a high stream, but we didn't intend to get this high.

It definitely took us some time but we made it to the chairs infront of his desk, and got the cameras and twitch pulled up.

"You ready?" Johnnie asked me, glancing over to me

"Mhm" I smiled, god I could not stop smiling. I watched as he clicked around on his computer, his eyes squinted focused, starting the live stream.

I silently watched as the viewer count went up, and soon after the comments getting flooded.

I had posted the video exposing my piece of human-shit ex 2 days ago and thankfully for the most part, everyone was supportive.

My fans were very understanding and respectful, and all the no lifers who shamed me for being a 'cheater' or for 'ditching my fans' were quickly humbled.

I stared at myself on his monitor, and realized how red and hooded my eyes were, I looked to Johnnie through it and saw how his were too— red and hooded. I get high a lot and my eyes normally only get glossed over so I was a suprised.

I looked to the comments and everyone was saying hi, which made me burst out laughing, and that immediately caused Johnnie to laugh too.

We slowly came down from laughter again, "You don't even know why I was laughing!" I said, "Its still funny!" He shouted back, we laughed some more, my stomach feeling tight and I felt out of breath.

"Why were you?" he asked, "I don't remember" I answered, which of course— caused us to laugh again.

My hand fell to his knee for support of my laughing, when I realized how loud we were being again, "Ok! Ok! Stop- stop we're live and we can't be this loud" my words coming out jumbling together, sounding like one big word.

"Maybe this was a bad idea" he whispered,
"What! no- no, we're just.." I sat there trying to find the word, "just uh.." I then looked over and saw a hairbrush which reminded me of Tara (somehow), and that made me think of her dog sugar, and then I began to think about how badly I wanted a pet.

"Mara?" Johnnie asked, staring at me, "huh?"
"Uh.." even Johnnie couldn't complete a sentence

"Chat!" I shouted, looking up to the chat, "we can't neglect them Johnnie!" I said, bumping my elbow to him, "We aren't!"

"We havent said a single thing to them yet!"

"Yeah we have!"

"Nu-uh" I shook my head

"Maybe not I can't remember now" Johnnie shrugged,

"Okay chat, uh. If you didn't read the title of the stream, or if you're just blind, we are both high, andddddd uh, we're gonna do a live high Q&A so ask stuff" Johnnie explained

"Wow, you did that good" I said impressed, "Did what good?" he asked me confused

"The- uh- talking! introductory thingy"

"Ohhh, thanks" he smiled, I smiled back,
and I looked at chat

"How are you samara? I ammmmm great! How could I not be i'm living with my favorite person!" I smiled, looking over to Johnnie, putting my hand on his shoulder, genuinely forgetting about all the Daniel stuff in the moment, and thought the commenter was just asking randomly.

The questions I kept on seeing were asking if we were dating or not, we both were used to that question and normally would just ignore it, but the question kept on pouring in, so this time Johnnie decided to answer.

"Chat! we have been saying this for like- 10 years now! No! We are not dating! You think I could pull a girl like Mara? New questions please!"

I started laughing like crazy again, its funny because he definitely could pull me if he tried, I thought to myself.

Normally I would mentally slap myself for thinking a thought like that about Johnnie and tell myself that thats weird and that I need to grow out of crushing on him— its been more than a decade— but when i'm high, I don't care about anything, and the thoughts that go through my head go in and out, immediately after thinking that I forgot I even thought it, why was I laughing again? I thought, as I stopped laughing looking back up to chat

"Do we fuck? Yessss every night, he loves getting this dick trust me" I smirk, gripping the crotch of my pants jokingly, acting like a fuck boy.

"Marie stop! They weren't supposed to know!"
Johnnie said loudly, both of us smiling ear to ear.

We continued to answer random questions and just talk randomly to chat, not really doing anything to specific.

Time, in the moment, seemed to be going by slow, any time I looked at the clock it was the same time as before, until eventually I looked up and realized the hour went by. Huh?!

Both our highs weren't as prominent now, but still definitely there, we watched a random jubliee video and goofed around for another hour.

We were of course still high, but I wanted to be high like how we were at the beginning of the stream. I wanted another joint.

I silently nagged on Johnnies sleeve off camera, he looked down and then to me, and when he saw me not looking at him, but instead at the monitor and looking at him through there, he looked up at it too, exchanging eye contact through the screen, so chat was unaware of it.

I yawned, still gently tugging at his sleeve, I had already gotten his attention, I didn't need to keep nagging, but my high brain liked the contact of my fingertips on him, (even if it was his button up sleeve and not his actual skin), so I kept the playful motion.

He glanced at me, seeing me yawn, and leaned back in his chair, "Alright chat, I think we're gonna get off in a minute here" Johnnie stated, my lips tugged to a smile, happy that he could tell I wanted to get off from just a tug and a yawn.

Chat spammed with goodbyes and frowns, I felt kinda bad for making him end it so soon, his streams usually being longer, but if he wanted to stay on longer he could have.

We raided a random fortnite streamer and turned to eachother, my hand rested on his wrist, since I never let go of his sleeve (of course I stopped tugging though).

"You tired?" he asked, "Nah, just want you to myself" I smiled slightly, I noticed his sudden fidgety hands, but thought nothing of it, getting up from the chair and plopping on his bed.

"Another J?" I asked, he turned around still in his chair, legs spread slightly and hands in his lap with a small smile, "Of course"

please remember to vote! helps me out alot :p
words- 1410

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