Catching Up and Getting Captured

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Time of cybertronians:

Vorns/ Years









Narrator POV

After Atana finished up her work loads and secretly sent funds to Kaon City for the people, she decides to go ahead and visit some very old friends as well as some new ones. As Atana leaves her office, she's confronted by Sentinel Prime.

"Ugh what do you want Sentinel?" Atana asks in annoyance.

"Oh nothing Atana just wondering where you are going since you been spending a lot of time with Skyfire. Not only that but, I couldn't help but notice that you have been visiting the City of Kaon and hangout with those low casket gear grinders." Sentinel says insultingly at Atana.

"It's not your concern Sentinel Prime and let me explain something to you." Atana says as she cracks her knuckles.

The moment Sentinel heard that, he knew that he was literally swimming in dangerous waters now. So instead of pushing his luck any further than necessary, Sentinel tried to back up. Sadly his efforts to get away were in vain when Atana got ahold of his shoulder.

Inside of Iacon

Alpha Trion, Perceptor, and Yoketron were discussing somethings about the future and Atana's theories. As the trio passed by, they heard someone banging something against the large glass window.

When they looked at the window, all they could see is Sentinel getting his aft handed to him by angry Atana. After slamming Sentinel into the window one last time, Atana caught sight of her old mentors.

(Atana kind of beats up Sentinel Prime like this just without the love part)

"I think it's safe to say that Sentinel Prime has met his match with Senator Atana." Perceptor says as he tries not to smile.

"Hehehe indeed and I hope he learns his lesson otherwise Atana won't be merciful next time." Yoketron says as he admires Atana's method of teaching someone a lesson.

"Although I can't help but feel proud of Atana since we all know that she has more patience then anyone else in the Senate or High Council." Alpha Trion says as he smirks at the now unconscious Sentinel Prime.

As Atana came inside the building, her old mentors were very happy to see her and they were secretly proud of her.

"Master Yoketron, Perceptor, Alpha Trion it's good to see you three again and of course, I apologize for the indecency of this display." Atana says as she bows apologeticly as she looks at the now unconscious yet beaten up Sentinel Prime.

With a small chuckle, Alpha Trion reassured Atana that she wasn't in trouble and praised her. Even Master Yoketron and Perceptor hug Atana and say their praise's.

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