Becoming a Mother

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Narrator POV

3,879 Vorns Later

(Just keep in mind that Atana and Skyfire are together now but, they keep it secret)

After many years of not only helping but financing the people of Kaon City, Atana and Skyfire were making a lot of progress. Such as, making the work hours durable for the miners, having the citizens have better medical help, and giving them a good amount of energon rations.

Of course they were nearly caught by some high council members, luckily nothing was discovered and thus far everything has been going well for the duo. Thankfully today is Atana's day off work and Skyfire wanted her to meet someone.

"So who is this person that you wanted me to meet Skyfire?" Atana questions as she walks with him closely.

"Now, now Atana it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." Skyfire says as he smiles at Atana.

As the two walk towards Skyfire's apart, they decided to stop by a store to get some energon sweets. So as Atana waits for Skyfire to finish shopping, a certain mech decided to talk to Atana.

"Well, well the beast Senator of the Senate what are you doing here dear Atana. Aren't you suppose to be "protecting", those dirt mining grunts in Kaon?" Sentinel Prime asks in his self-centered way.

"Ugh, what in Primus's name do you want Sentinel? Last I checked it's none of your business to meddle in my tasks." Atana snaps as she tries to hold back some anger for this stuck-up mech.

"Oh that's were you are wrong, besides haven't you heard I'm a prime. And as a prime I have more authority as well as privileges than anyone Atana.

Besides when the financial branch of the Senate starts depleting, that's when most of us in the Senate and High Council get curious." Sentinel says as he gets a little to close to Atana's face.

Before Atana could say anything to Sentinel to shut him up, Skyfire came out with three bags full of energon sweets. As he looks in-between Atana and Sentinel, Skyfire could tell that things were getting every heated.

"Atana calm down, it's okay and as for you Sentinel, you may be a prime but we all know that you have little to no spark to somebody of Atana's caliber." Skyfire says as he stands up for Atana.

Skyfire and Atana started to walk away from the area and thankfully Atana calmed down enough to thank Skyfire for helping her. Just as Skyfire was about say something, Sentinel charges at Atana.

Without warning, Atana sensed Sentinel coming and quickly pulled Skyfire behind her and gave Sentinel one of her special power kicks that send him flying into an abandoned building. It wasn't a normal kick since it has a lot of power behind it.

(Kind of like this hehehe, it kind of shows that Sentinel maybe semi equal in rank to senators but when it comes to combat, Atana outranks everyone)

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(Kind of like this hehehe, it kind of shows that Sentinel maybe semi equal in rank to senators but when it comes to combat, Atana outranks everyone)

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