𝟭𝟭 academic decathlon

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chapter 11 !
academic decathlon ...

WE ARE ON our way to Washington D.C. in the buses the school rented. For the four hours we were in the vehicle, I sat next to MJ while Peter and Ned sat across from us. MJ was drawing something in her sketchbook, I was reading, and Peter and Ned talked for the most part but towards the end of the ride Peter watched out the windows while listening to music and Ned watched a movie on his phone.

I was too busy thinking and looking up at Peter every so often that I didn't get much reading done. I was in a state of limerence and it was starting to get annoying, honestly, but it was probably the only thing keeping me from breaking down about my father.

It's been two days since he left and even though I specifically told him to forget everything about me, I still look at my phone everytime it buzzes in hopes that it was him. Since I told Peter about the situation, he notices this—everytime I look at my phone in anticipation I feel him watch.


When I got back to Peter's apartment that night I went back home, I immediately knocked on his bedroom door. He opened it, smiling when he noticed I was back.

"Where'd you go?" He asked me.

"Can I..." I started, gesturing to his room. He nodded and stepped back, letting me into his room. He shut the door behind him.

I sat down. He sat down next to me. "I sent my dad to New Jersey. The house is mine to stay in now."

"...How did you get him to do that?"

"I forced him." I reply. Peter was still confused, so I continue. "I did what you said—I used my powers and I made him forget about me and everything that made him the way he is."

"Oh—that's not what I meant, but... it works. Are you sure he's not going to... like... remember?"

I sigh. I thought about this, too. "Even if he does, I doubt he'd ever tell me he knew."

I look at the ground, my mouth downturned solemnly. "I hate him so much, Peter."

"I know you do. And you... you deserve to feel that way one hundred percent."

"So why do I feel so... empty?"

"Well... He was your father. Nothing he could ever do will get rid of that fact. No amount of... hatred you have for him."

I keep looking at the ground. "I don't have anyone left, Peter."

There is a chilling silence for a couple moments before I feel strong arms wrap around me. At first, I am taken aback by the sudden touch but as I realize how right it feels, my body sinks, melting into his touch. I bring my hands to his back, returning the hug. Our necks intertwine, our chests touch, our lungs sink and rise in synchronization.

"You have MJ, Ned, and you have May, too. You have me. You'll always have me."

I hug him tighter. "Thank you, Peter. Thank you for being the best friend ever in the short amount of time I've known you."

We back out of the hug. "Anytime," he says. He just looks at me for a second, before continuing. "So does this mean you're staying back at your house?"

"Yeah, I figured I would stay tonight, if that's okay with you?"

"Of course."

I smile and stand up, heading towards the door. "Goodnight, Peter."

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