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They stand in the Capitol museum, a scowl on Snow's face as he stands completely still at the entrance of the museum reception

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They stand in the Capitol museum, a scowl on Snow's face as he stands completely still at the entrance of the museum reception.
"The location was .. here?" He tuts in disgust, "I assumed the Plinth's would find a much classier venue."

Livia raised a brow in confusion, the museum was beautiful, shades of white and gold tiles living the flooring and long quartz pillars holding up the walls. The staircases were laced with a long gold carpet leading it's visitors to the upstairs area. And this was only the reception.

"I suppose it makes sense," Livia walks past the blonde man and begins running a hand across the beautiful mahogany desk containing a sign in book and some ink, "where else for the future president to get married then somewhere that honours the history of panem?"

"You may be right." It was a rare acknowledgment of Livia's intelligence that she took on her chin, simply ignoring his words and asking where exactly in the museum the Plinth family had envisioned.

Snow had glanced at the piece of paper in his hands and begun walking up the gold carpeted stairs and through the clean hallways, Livia's footsteps following close behind his own. They'd stopped inside the planetary room.

"The planetarium?" Livia questioned. What a tragic metaphor.
Dominance over Panem, the world, the universe.
Is this what the Plinth family imagined their wedding could convey?

"I think there's a hidden beauty in it," of course you do, Livia's thoughts were interrupted by Coriolanus pulling a leaver in the side of the room, releasing a projection of planets & stars in the ceiling as the rest of the room falls dark.
Livia only recognised a few of them, astronomy was never her strong suit.

"Jupiter is my favourite," Snow voices as the Green and blue lights of the room dance along his features, juxtaposing the now dark walls. In the moment, Livia thought he looked quite pretty, but in days looking back she knew she was kidding herself. He wasn't pretty. He was beautiful.

"I don't know much about the planets." She admits shyly, the first time she's felt foolish in front of Coriolanus in years. Or the first time she's shown it anyways.
He chuckles to himself at her small, quiet words, Livia Cardew was loud, she wasn't sheepish. He didn't like seeing her sheepish, it made it almost easier to begin to care for her.

"Or their stories?" The stars illuminated his pale skin, a literal twinkle waltzing itself across his eyes in what Livia imagined was a beautiful serenade of dance, "stories?" She had laughed, a soulful, loud, almost pretty laugh, Coriolanus shivered.

"Of course, every planet has a story," he moves closer to her, ignoring the voices in his head telling him to back away. He told himself he didn't have to worry, Livia Cardew wasn't dangerous to his heart.

Coriolanus lifts a finger to the projected sky, glazing over each star and proclaiming their stories, "that over there is Jupiter, king of the gods, in the old tales."

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