I Wouldn't Mind

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Kairi woke up and looked over and checked her phone as she always did to see if she had a message from anyone. Sure enough, Namine had sent her a message asking if she wanted catch a movie with her and Xion later. Kairi replied and told her she would love to. She got dressed in her favorite pink dress and went down to breakfast.
"Good morning, Kairi!" Her mother said
"Morning!" Kairi said, grabbing a muffin.
"Any plans today?"
"Namine, Xion, and I are going to the movies later."
"What about Sora? I thought his plane landed today."
"Oh, no! I completely forgot!" Kairi felt terrible. Her boyfriend and true love had been away for a month. She couldn't believe she forgot. She had missed him so much. She immediately went to call Namine.
"Hey, Namine. It's Kairi."
"Hey, Kairi! Ready for the movies tonight?"
"Namine, about the movies tonight... I'm really sorry but I can't make it. I completely forgot that Sora's plane lands tonight."
"Oh, gosh! No worries. I completely understand. I forgot, too."
"Thanks for understanding. We could go hang out the beach for a while, though."
"Okay! I'll call Xion and let her know!"
"Okay! See ya later, Namine!"
"See ya later, Kairi!"
As soon as Kairi hung up, her phone started ringing. She answered it.
"Hey, beautiful." Sora's charming voice answered
"Hey, Sora!"
"What are you doing?"
"Talking to you."
"Well, other than the obvious." He said with a chuckle.
"Getting ready to go to the beach for a little while."
"Sounds like you're having fun than I am waiting for this plane to take off."
"Sounds like it."
"Oh, well. Seeing you tonight makes it worth the wait."
"What time do you land?"
"7. Then I'll be picking you up at 8."
"Good. I miss you much."
"I miss you too, baby. Just wait until I get home. I have a surprise for you."
"I can't wait to find out what it is."
"Finally! The plane is about to take off. I have to go. I'll see you tonight. I love you."
"I love you, too."
Kairi hung up the phone and walked down to the beach. She couldn't help but wonder what the big surprise Sora had for her was. She had so many hopes and ideas it was driving her crazy. At the same time, she had one thing she was afraid of. She made it the beach before Namine and Xion, but saw Riku and Roxas when she got there.
"Kairi!" Riku called out to her.
"Hey, guys!"
"What are you doing here?"
"Waiting on Namine and Xion. What about the two of you?"
"Just chilling out."
"Kairi!" Kairi turned around and saw Namine and Xion jogging up to her.
"Hey, girls!"
"Hey, Riku. Hey, Roxas." The two girls said in unison.
"Hey, Namine. Hey, Xion." The two guys said in unison.
The five friends laughed.
"Hey, since we're all here, why don't we hang out together?"
The five friends spent hours just hanging out, swimming, and talking. Finally, Kairi decided to tell them what was on her mind.
"So... Sora called me earlier."
"What'd he have to say?" Xion asked a little too interested.
"He wanted to tell me he'd pick me up at 8. And that he has a surprise for me..."
"Oh, I bet he's going to propose!" Namine said.
"You think so?" Kairi asked nervously.
"Kairi, I'd be surprised if he didn't. He loves you with every part of his heart and soul. Trust me." Roxas told her.
"I know he does. I'm just sure if I'm ready... I just don't know."
"Kairi, do you love Sora?"
"With all my heart! But I'm afraid."
"Afraid of what?" Riku asked.
"I'm afraid that we'll get married and one of us will regret it."
"Kairi, you're 23 years old. You can't be afraid of what might happen. You have to trust both Sora and yourself." Namine said powerfully.
"I guess you're right. I have to do what my heart tells me to do. Speaking of Sora, I should get going. He'll be here soon."
"Alright. Bye, Kairi. And good luck!" Roxas said with a smile.
Kairi went back to her house and started to get ready, still incredibly nervous that her friends were right and Sora was intending to propose. As soon as she got out of the shower, she heard her mom call from downstairs.
"Kairi! Are you ready yet? Sora will be here any minute!"
"Getting there, Mom!"
' She dressed in a nice white tank top with a purple skirt. Just as she was finishing her hair, she heard a knock at the front door. Sora was finally here! She went to leave her room. She opened her bedroom door and he was standing there with a smile on his face. Kairi threw her arms around him as he kissed her with enough force he lifted her off the ground. When they pulled apart he just smiled at her.
"Hello, my perfect angel. My goodness, you wouldn't believe how long I've waited to see you."
"I know, love. It feels like it's been forever."
"Well, shall we get going? I made dinner reservations."
"Yes, let's go." She said, taking his hand.
The happy couple walked over to their favorite restaurant. When they took their seats, a waiter and good friend came up to take their orders.
"Hey look at the happy couple! Been a while since you two have been in here!" Ventus said with a smile.
"Hey, Ven! Sorry it's been a while. I've been out of town." Sora said.
"Oh, and taking the lady out to show her how much you missed her?"
"Yes, that's exactly what he's doing. Hey, Ven." Kairi said with a laugh.
Ven laughed. "You two want the usual?"
"No we want our least favorite meals. What else would we get, Ven?"
"I know, I know. It'll be ready shortly." Ven said as turned and walked away.
"So... When do I get to find out what the big surprise is?" Kairi asked.
"Suspense is killing you, huh?"
"Yes! I want to know!"
"You'll find out when we head down to the island after dinner." Sora said with a coy smile.
"Why can't I find out now?!"
"Because it would ruin everything."
"Ruin everything? What do you mean?"
"I mean, I have a plan."
"A plan?"
"Yes, a plan."
Sora and Kairi laughed at themselves. 'Gosh... I've missed him so much... But now I'm sure he's gonna propose... I'm so afraid of what could happen....' Kairi thought. Ven brought out dinner then left the two alone. The couple talked mostly about Sora's trip and what Kairi did while he was gone. Dinner finally came to an end and Sora got up to pay the check.
"Hey, what do ya say we head to the beach after this?"
"Sounds like fun to me."
Sora paid the check and walked Kairi to the beach.
"Hey, Kairi! Race you to the boat!"
"You're on!"
The two took off running towards their boat. Just as Sora thought he was gonna win, Kairi tripped and knocked both of them over. Sora looked at her and they both started laughing. He pulled Kairi close and kissed her. When they pulled apart, he closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers, smiling. 'Y'know... I think.... I hope Sora does propose... I'm not afraid... Not anymore... Waking up every day to see his smile? I definitely wouldn't mind that...' Kairi thought, smiling.
"Marry me..." Sora whispered softly, "Marry me, Kairi... Please... Stay with me.... Forever..."
Kairi leaned forward and kissed him softly. "Forever is a very long time."
"I know. But I want to spend every day of it with you by my side. So, what do you say?"
"I say... There's nothing I want more." Kairi said with a smile. "I love you, Sora."
"I love you, too, Kairi," Sora said, pulling her in for another kiss.
'This is definitely what I want... For the rest of my life... For forever...' was Kairi's last thought before she fell asleep, looking forward to the day she would call Sora her husband

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