A Sad SoKai Story

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A sad newcast for Destiny Islands... Local 16 year-old Kairi lost her life... How did this happen? Let's go back two days and see...
Kairi was waiting for Sora on a park bench. She needed to talk to him, even if they broke up over a year ago. Finally he came.
"Hi, Sora."
"Hi, Kairi." He sat next to her.
"Sora, what happened? We used to bo so happy together. Now..."
"That's been bugging me, too. We used to bo so in love, but it disappeared..."
Kairi couldn't believe what she was hearing. Their love... disappeared? How could that be, when she still loved him so much? She dated Riku because she thought Sora still loved her and wanted better for her. He never thought he was good enough, but it wasn't just that. He didn't love her.
"Kairi... I-I want you to be with Riku."
"And I want you to be with Namine."
Kairi was walking home crying when it started raining, so she started running. Suddenly she sees bright lights and feels a ahrd, painful impact, then nothing. She sees someone get out the car that hit her. It's Sora...
"Kairi! Oh my gosh are you alright?!"
She wasn't alright. She was dying. She could feel it. She got what she wanted.
"You'll be ok, Kairi. I'll get you to the hospital. Please, don't leave me."
But Kairi's will to live was gone. Sora didn't love her. She couldn't live anymore. At least Sora's face was the last one she saw,
"I... never... stopped... loving... you, Sora."
Kairi looked into Sora's beautiful blue, tear-filled eyes, and closed hers for the last time. At least she todl him the truth before she died.
"I... I never stopped loving you either, Kairi."
But even as he said, he knew she was gone. It was his fault. He looked away for two seconds, and killed the girl he loved. How could he live with himself? He couldn't. He would never love anyone again.
A few weeks later, Riku came to his house.
"It's YOUR fault! YOU KILLED HER!"
Riku pulled out a gun and Sora wasn't afraid. He wanted to die, to be with Kairi. But Riku turned the gun and ran off. Riku couldnt bring hiimself to kill me, Sora thought, I guess I'll just have to wait to be with Kairi. I'll wait for as long as it takes.

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