Two Hearts Meet

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Another day, another fight with my mother over marriage. Why does my mother think marriage is so important?! Everyday she says "Namine, why can't you try to find a husband?" She can't understand that I don't want to marry these crazy prince suitors she keeps bringing! If I do marry, I'm marrying for love, not self preservation. Who cares if I'm a princess?!
"Namine! Come here! Your father would like a word with you!"
"Coming, Mother!"
As I walked downstairs, I was nervous, for my father rarely called me from my room to speak with me.
"Hello, Father. How are you this fine afternoon?"
"My dear Namine, I am perfectly fine. I wanted to speak with you about our new gardener."
"New gardener?"
"Yes. Young Sora married your friend Kairi and resigned. I am sad to see him go, but I'm happy for him and his new bride."
"I am happy for them as well. I hope they do not intend to leave. Kairi is a Lady now, and my closest friend."
"I understand, my dear. They have no intention of leaving."
"Excellent. Now, what is this about our new gardener?"
"I've hired a young man named Roxas, a friend and recommendation of Sora's."
"Oh. Strange. All the hours I spent talking with Sora while he worked, and he never mentioned Roxas."
"Yes, yes, I do believe Sora told me that. I wanted to tell you that young Roxas will be dining with us this evening."
"Oh. That's nice"
And unusual. Father never invited a gardener for dinner. Especially not on his first day of work.
"Yes, well, I thought you needed a proper oppurtunity to meet him."
"That's new. You've never done that before."
"well, there is a first time for everything, right, my dear?"
"Yes, Father, I suppose so. Well, I think I will go for a walk. Goodbye, Father."
"Goodbye, Namine."
I decided to take my afternoon walk in the garden. My thoughts swam as I wandered through the garden. I couldn't help but wonder why my Father was inviting Roxas to dinner. He must be planning on trying to find me a husband. Father is much more subtle than Mother. Father and I never have to argueover me finding a husband because Father doesn't outright say anything about the subject. He forms subtle plans. I don't mind his way as much.
Suddenly I heard rustling. A man jumped out of the bushes and grabbed me! I screamed as loud as I could for help, but no one came. Suddenly I heard a voice.
"Let the lady go!"
The man threw me against the wall as he could. I felt a horrible pain in my leg. The man drew his sword.
"NO!" I screamed, for a thought good man who came to my aid defenseless, but then he drew his own sword and engaged in battle with the man. I watched anxiously as they fought. Finally, my saviour won. He ran to my side.
"Are you alright, Milady?"
I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't remember my own name, much less how to speak.
"Milady?" His tone seemed worried. Reality returned to me.
"I think my leg is broken, but I am otherwise alright. Thank you, kind sir, for saving my life."
"No trouble at all, Milady. I am glad to see you are safe. May I ask your name?" He asked as he began bandaging my leg.
"My name is Namine."
"The princess?"
"Yes, kind sir, I am the princess. Might I also ask your name?"
"I am Roxas."
"Oh. You are our new gardener?"
"Yes, Milady." Roxas finished bandaging my leg. He tried to help me stand, but I fell down again.
"Well, I suppose that could have gone better. Perhaps we should send for someone."
"No! I'm alright! I just need someone to lean on."
I couldn't left him leave me...
Roxas chuckled.
"Alright, well, then, let's try this again, shall we?"
He put my arm around his shoulder and held my hand, then put his arm around my waist. Roxas took very good care helping me to my feet. This time, I was able to walk to the castle and up to my bedroom. Roxas sent for a servant to tell my father what happened. He refused to leave my side.
The entire time this was happening, something was...different.. Anytime I so much as glanced at Roxas, my heart skipped a beat. If he met my eyes or smiled, I suddenly felt flustered. My face turned red and I got clammy, which only made him worry more. He's quite handsome when he's worried.. Oh what am I saying?! Get a GRIP, Namine! You are NOT falling in love with him! You CANNOT be falling in love with him!
"Are you alright, Namine?!" My father rushed to my side.
"I'm perfectly fine, thanks to Roxas."
"Young man, you deserve a reward. Ask anything and it will be yours."
Roxas looked at me and I knew what he was going to say.
"Your Highness, could I have some time to think about this?"
What? Why didn't he ask for what he wanted?
"Of course! Take all the time you need!" My father left right after that.
Roxas turned to me and smiled. He laughed when he saw my face, as if he new what I was thinking.
"Why didn't you tell my father what you wanted?"
"I could never force you to do something you didn want to do. Especially something like that."
"Really. The choice is yours."
"I need a few days to think about this.."
"Of course, Milady."
"Please, call me Namine."
"Alright. Namine." He smiled. I smiled back.
"Well, you must be quite tired after the day you had today. I'll let you rest, Namine."
"Oh. Alright."
"Goodnight, Namine."
"Goodnight, Roxas."
All night I lay awake, thinking of how Roxas saved my life and fell in love with me in the samed day. And I fell in love with him. But what about my fight? What will happen if I give up? I'm honestly frightened by the idea.. I will give him one week. If Roxas can get me to kiss him in one week, I'll marry him.
The next six days passed easily. Roxas came to see me often, and we would talk for hours. On the seventh day, Roxas invited me to take a walk with him that night. Of course, since my leg was broken, he had to help me but I don't think he minded. We stopped to rest on the bench near the roses.
"The stars are beautiful tonight." I said, smiling.
"But not as beautiful as you." Roxas said, smiling back.
I hoped my blush wasn't as deep as it felt.
"You know, I've never met anyone like you, Namine."
"Yes. Most royalty and nobility I've met are cruel, but you aren't. You are the most beautiful, intelligent, kind, funny, caring girl I have ever met. You are everything a true princess should be."
"Thank you, Roxas. You're too kind"
"Shall we keep moving?"
"Oh.. Sure."
He helped me to stand, but we both tripped. We stared into each other's eyes. He moved closer to me, as he'd done so many time this week. This time, I didn't pull away. He helped me to stand, but we didn't move. He leaned close, hesitantly, expecting me to pull away. Instead, I leaned in just slightly. We kissed. My thoughts melted. I thought my heart would jump out of my chest.
When we pulled away, I couldn't remember how to breath. We were both smiling. Roxas's eyes were sparkling like the stars.
"Yes, Roxas?"
"I love you. Will you marry me?"
"I love you, Roxas. Of course I will."
We kissed again, this time interupted when we heard someone clear their throat.
"Oh! Hello, Father."
"Hello, Namine."
"Your Highness, I have decided my reward."
"You have?"
"Yes sir. I asked for your daughter's hand in marriage."
"If she will have you."
"I will."
"Then it will be so."
The wedding cam as soon as my leg was healed. As my father walked me down the aisle, I couldn't be happier. I was wrong. I was so much happier when the priest pronounced us man and wife. When we kissed, I was even happier. My life had never been better. I got my happily ever after and everything was perfect.

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