For Now and For Ever....

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  It was evening and RM had left earlier saying he had to attend some important work. Y/n had been resting in her room with her eyes closed. But ever since she laid down she was tossing and turning on the bed all she could think of was his words, his confession, his touch and their kiss! Sometimes she blushed pressing her lips together, other times covered her face with her hands while smiling to herself. As she was still reminiscing events of before, her phone chimed with a message from him. 'Get ready, picking you up in 10 ;)'. Y/n got puzzled and replied, 'Where are we going'?. 'You will know, no more questions and be ready I'm coming soon'. She quickly got off the bed and started dressing up. After about 15 minutes her phone chimed again, 'I'm here' he texted. She panicked reading the message as she was still struggling to wear the earring in her right ear. It was clearly frustrating more so because y/n couldn't wait to see him and wanted to rush in his arms. "It's okay, I will wear it in the car", she said to herself and quickly got down from elevator holding her clutch. To her surprise, this time RM was standing outside the car waiting for her with a bouquet of red roses in his hand!!!

 To her surprise, this time RM was standing outside the car waiting for her with a bouquet of red roses in his hand!!!

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His dimples deepened as he smiled at her. "You look amazing", he looked at her with eyes clearly overflowing with love. She hunched her shoulders forward and bit her lower lip smiling and looked to the other side. "You abandoned me and my previous bouquet on the island so I got you new one today" he said teasing her. "Well, shouldn't I be the one to say that Mr. Leader? she replied sarcastically. "Anyways I see a new bouquet here but the person is still the same." she loved teasing him. "This person will always be the same even when everything else around changes" he said proudly. He opened the gate for her as they both got in and the car drove off. Y/n remembered her earring and attempted to wear it, but it was difficult because of the moving car. "I was in a rush so couldn't put one of them on and now its hard with the constant movement", she said in an annoyed tone. RM tucked the strands of hair falling on her face behind her ear to see her better. He extended his hand out for the earring and said, "Let me help". She dropped it in his hand and he moved closer towards her. He was only inches away from her ear concentrating on his task. But y/n was feeling butterflies in her stomach, she was looking at him from the corner of her eyes. The smell of his cologne intoxicated her senses, his deep breaths on her neck were giving her goosebumps. "Finally", he said taking a deep breath as he managed to put it in his face still close to her ear. Before y/n could even realise, he quickly planted a kiss on her cheeks before pulling himself away!! Y/n's cheeks turned bright red in embarrassment and her eye's widened in shock while still processing what just happened. She looked at him with raised eyebrows while he smirked giving her a 'questioned look' as if he was teasing her!!  She looked away when he mingled his fingers with hers and held her hand tightly. She jokingly tried to take it away but his grip only tightened as he creased his forehead evidencing she was landing herself in trouble if she tried to pull away.....  After a long drive they finally reached the destination... it was a huge beach house with a mesmerising view. Y/n walked ahead admiring the beauty of the place as Namjoon followed her with his hands in the pocket. "Do you like it??" he asked looking at her. "Of course, its amazing", she said grabbing his arm. "I bought it last year, but due to the busy schedule I never had the time to come here for a vacation. But I am glad I couldn't  come here sooner. Now that I am here with you, it makes it even more special", he kissed her hand. After seeing all of the house, y/n and RM were standing at the balcony looking at the beach with the beautiful ocean outside as it was almost sunset. "What are you thinking" he asked seeing her engrossed in thoughts. "I was wondering what if you had really decided to cut off all ties with me due to the circumstances" she said softly. "Y/n...." he encircled his arms around her embracing her from the back. "What do you see on that side" he asked pointing towards the end of ocean. "Nothing", she replied after a hard stare. "That's what my life would have been without you" he whispered in her ear.... She looked at him from the side and smiled while he softly kissed her neck. The sun had already set and it was getting dark when he received a phone call. He hummed on the call and grabbed her hand walking outside towards the beach. The full moon was shining brightly, hand in hand they were slowly walking when she stopped seeing some lights at the distance. As they approached closer, y/n was left surprised..

There was a canopy of lights with a table and two chairs and a candle lit in the middle! There were rose petals all over the sand and the periphery of canopy was shaped into a heart with candles

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There was a canopy of lights with a table and two chairs and a candle lit in the middle! There were rose petals all over the sand and the periphery of canopy was shaped into a heart with candles.. It was the a stunning sight to witness. "Wow, unbelievable", she exclaimed with both her hands on her mouth. His heart filled with satisfaction seeing her happiness. RM poured the champagne into their glasses as they sat down, with soft music playing in the background, the mesmerising fragrance of roses, full moon shining brightly, their never ending talks, it could easily be called the most dreamy night!!! After they finished dinner, RM extended his hand out to her. "I have another surprise for you". While she looked at him with curiosity, he walked her out of the canopy. They walked a bit further towards the ocean when he said, "Close your eyes" and placed his hands on her eyes covering them completely. "Okay now open", after a few seconds he took his hands off her eyes. As soon as she opened them, her eyes lit up, she couldn't believe the sight in front of her. The dark sky was filled up with hundreds of lanterns up in the sky!!

 It had almost turned golden due to the immense light it was equally reflecting on to the water creating a beautiful illusion

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It had almost turned golden due to the immense light it was equally reflecting on to the water creating a beautiful illusion...Suddenly there was a huge firework that bursted spelling out the words 'I Love You'. Y/n turned around to look at him with happiness clearly reflecting from her eyes. The next thing he did blew her mind away. Taking out a ring from his pocket he slipped it onto her finger. "Till death do us apart", he said locking his eyes into hers.. Y/n looked at the beautiful diamond shining on her finger and hugged him. "This is only the beginning y/n", he said breaking the hug with his arms still locked around her waist. "We have even more beautiful milestones to reach, make more great memories, the void in my life has filled completely with your presence" he smiled. "For the world I may be a celebrity, a star but for you I will always be Namjoon, who fell in love with you the moment you entered that room with a masked face. No one can take me away from you and I will never let anyone take you away from me, my love" he said in a soft tone. "I am so lucky to have you in my life, I have never felt happier, I love you so much Kim NamJoon", she said connecting their foreheads. As they came closer he claimed her lips, lost in their own dreamland, with a beautiful backdrop of lanterns......

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