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Merry Christmas, everyone🦋

I woke up with an headache again. No wonder, but I could decipher something from the night before.

I realized I was holding somebody, and NO-

Yeah, it was him. Expected.

I quickly removed my hand from his, making sure to not wake him up. I was practically sleeping on his lap, and he let me. Why is this devil being like this?

I quickly went to the kitchen, my head wasn't that heavy today, just the shots. Toasting some bread for me, I made coffee for both of us.

I could barely register before his vinegar scent reached my nose. He was standing right behind, very close to me. "Strawberry, I would have volunteered for the breakfast."

"No more favors from you Kundrra," I hissed and he just smiled. "Well, I am running late and I have a meeting to attend, so, have a good day strawberry." He wished and took the coffee from my hand. It was a mocha, he was a black coffee drinker but he took a full gulp of it and passed it back to me.

"You never liked mocha-" He looked behind when I murmured. Coming to me, he placed his fingers on my chin and made me look up at him. Pressing his lips into mine, he took the taste of chocolate I had on my lips, I didn't move.

What am I doing?

"Mi piace tutto quello che ti piace, fragola." He whispered in Italian most probably and left. I gulped my coffee again, my lips still feeling the roughness of his lips and his words warmed my body.

(Translation- I like everything you like, strawberry)

I took a long warm bath, and got ready for the work I had for today.

Something's amiss.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I missed something. But I don't know how to react to this.

I reached the Prakash Group and started working. Being busy distracts you from a lot, and this is far better than to think about your business rival and feel something in your gut.

I wish you were never here.

I wished. Maybe.

A three year ago, Tejasswi Prakash would have. But now, something had changed and I knew there was no going back to where it was. The hate.

It can never be the same, his niceness, his business proposal, his help against Jones have got something changed in my head. And it definitely not was the physical attraction. It wasn't hate, maybe dislike.

I shrugged my thoughts again and started working.

Where is he busy? Is his meeting this long?

I opened the files of our project and started working on them. I didn't know why I wanted to talk to him, out of nowhere but I wanted to. I finished some of the designs I could, it took some hours on a not-priority work basis but it was too late to care.

I finished the rest of my work and quickly dialed Karan.


"Where are you?" I asked straightforward. I sighed hearing his normal voice. "In the hospital, honey."

"Kundrra- I have work," I sighed, which could be heard on the other end. "I am serious,"

"What-" My reaction came out louder than usual. "You're hurt?"

"No, Vaidya has puked like a 100 times now." I laughed. Karan was pissed off, taking care of Vaidya would be a dangerous task. I looked at him as he sulked. He was sitting there, he was a generous guy in all.

"Strawberry, don't you dare take this out. I didn't come since the start, I just dropped by." I smirked, finally. He looks cute while sulking though-

I shook my head and he looked at me with pleading eyes again. As if I was ever about to...

"I won't ask it politely again,"

"Maybe I like the impolite version," I winked, why?

He raised his brows and I fake coughed. "I was kidding-"

"Joking with me, progress number two, lady." I rolled my eyes. "And if you meant what you said, I have never been polite to you anyway." I looked into his eyes through the phone and didn't say a word.

"I have a lot more better things to do than have a small talk with you, Kundrra." I found words, a sarcastic comment. He smiled, "So, why did you call?"

"I need to know about the updates. How is the transfer going? Does Jones know anything yet?" I asked all the questions I could create at that point. He just shrugged, "Transfer is 55% complete, and the end of the week we'll be ready, for the party and drama. Jones knows nothing, as the reflection will be visible after all of it is done."

He answered amd stopped talking. Oh god, talk you idiot. I hummed. He nodded, "You don't have to be concerned, you'll be free in a week."

"The deal with you is a six month project. No way I am free-"

"About that, you will never be free-" He looked away from the camera, maybe Rahul was there.

"I'll see you at Prakash group in some time... Discussions about a deal." He said and I felt something in my gut. I bit my lip and nodded.

"I'll let you know, if I am free." I still added. He just gave a smirk and hung up the call.

I sat on my chair and started working on the file. My work seemed fun now, finishing it before the evening sounds cool too. I realized what happened to me and slapped my head. "Stop with this, Tejasswi. The devil."

Too hot-

NO! I can't-


Strawberries and Cigarettes {TejRan}Where stories live. Discover now