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I groaned, my head pained. I opened my eyes slowly, the room was darker than night. Maybe because I was sleeping-

Who did that?

What did I drink yesterday?

What happened at the event?

What did I do?

How did I even reach here?

I placed my hand on my head and pressed it in pain. The painkiller was right on the next table, no wonder again, I picked it up and gulped it quickly.

Did I sleep with somebody?

NO! I won't let anyone to my room for sure-

I saw Corrupt kept on the bed, properly. If I slept reading, that's also impossible to think. I groaned and rushed to the washroom, I needed a shower.


I came back from the shower, wrapping a towel around myself because I forgot my bathrobe. My head was a little fine and I sat on my bed applying the skincare, until I felt I was not sitting on the bed, exactly.

I jumped from my place and saw the last person I would expect on my bed. Looking at me, wrapped in a towel, which is slipping.

"Oh my god-" is just what came out of my mouth as he closed his eyes and got up. "Prakash, wear your clothes."

"What are you doing here, GET OUT OF MY ROOM." I shouted as he sprinted outside. I sat on my bed, sighing and wore my clothes slowly.

Is that how they do it in your books, strawberry?

I opened my eyes, they were wide awake. I didn't remember things, but this line... what do I-


I quickly wore my clothes and opened the gate, where he stood waiting, probably.

"What happened last night?"

"What?" He asked cluelessly. I glared at him and he just entered the room and sat on the bed, picking up Corrupt.

"How are you here? What happened?"

"I am here because you asked me, and you got drunk." He answered shortly and I hate it. I will murder him one day.

"What did we do? Don't tell me we did something when I was drunk, because you definitely were sober-"

He was quickly enough to slide his arms around my waist and pin me to the shelf behind.



Pinned to a wall.

I gulped but didn't break the stare.

"It is too low of you to think of me as somebody who would take an advantage of the drunk situation of a woman. I know you don't like me strawberry, but I wouldn't do anything like that to anyone, or you."


I shouldn't have said it like that. No no no-

"Anyways, there's breakfast on your table, have it and I'll see you at Jones' around 3. Good morning, by the way." He said taking his phone and left.

"Listen-" I shouted but he was gone. I pressed my head and jumped on the bed digging my face into the pillow.


Strawberries and Cigarettes {TejRan}Where stories live. Discover now