The Uninvited Guest

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Scripture reference: The Book of Sirach 11:29
"Do not bring every man into your home, for many are the wiles of the crafty."

Anais Watterson's POV:

Lyrica Okano as Anais Watterson

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Lyrica Okano as Anais Watterson

Lyrica Okano as Anais Watterson

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Anais Watterson animated

Behold, a rabbit, a young college gal -
She got her own place in a multi gen.
Why multi gen? Why not room with her pal?
Well, she'd hate to go thru life paying an arm and a leg for rent.

She decided to celebrate with a
social tea party,
Where she invited all her high school pals.
The refreshments include sweets, nuts, and bread.

But little did she know that there's an
uninvited guest -
Showing up to the party just for bread.
That uninvited guest happened to be
a  white kangaroo.

A pal of the rabbit, who's an ox,
whispered this to rabbit:
"Hey, I wouldn't give that rodent any
more bread if I were you,
For you have worked your tail off
making it.
That uninvited guest - she's here to mooch."

Happy holidays, beautiful queens! 🎄🎉🎉

Can't believe Anais Watterson grew up quick!

Also she graduated high school last year, and the Wattersons didn't even invite us! 🥲🤦🏽‍♀️

Anywho, I like the fact that I had Anais speak in third person perspective for this poem. Also, that ox at the end of this poem is Jamie. Even though Jamie is a hybrid ox in the show, I didn't mention it in this poem because it's a modernized sonnet and I want to shorten it for the sake of meeting the 14-line structure.

So, what do you think of this modernized sonnet?

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