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Scripture reference: Judges 16, Exodus 15:22-25a, and Romans 12:2

Armani's POV

Armani's POV

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I know what you thinkin' When you hear the word, "entanglement

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I know what you thinkin'
When you hear the word, "entanglement."
But when you hear me say that word,
I ain't referrin' to that 2020 trend.

I'm referring to being caught up or twisted in something not good.
I believe that's the biblical definition of entanglement.
I guess that word hasn't been used much until that 2020 trend happened. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Anywho -

In the book of Judges, chapters 14 thru 16,
Samson got into a few entanglements, you see?
His marriage with the Philistine woman -
She lured him into revealing the answer to his riddle.
An empathetic woman or a Proverbs 31 woman would NEVER. EVER. lure a man. Period!
With a manipulative woman like that Philistine woman,
His marriage is surely considered an entanglement!

Or what about his casual hookup with a prostitute?
Definitely entanglement!
I mean, of course she ain't representing herself as godly or an empathetic woman!

And then there's Delilah -
She lured Samson into revealing his strengths and weaknesses.
She even mentioned the word, "love" in the 15th verse of the 16th chapter.
Whew, Childe, talk about a toxic woman! Of course, she's a manipulator!
That lead up to Samson being left by the Creator.
He even lost his strength from there.

Now, I often found myself entangling with toxic friends like Delilah.
My first impressions of the Delilahs regarding simple things we have in common -
That got me geeked up,
The same way Samson's first impression of Delilah got him geeked up.

From there, what I've realized during my soul searching with the Creator is this:
The moment we entangle our hearts with ppl who have Delilah spirits,
It leads to picking up the stinkin' thinkin' attitudes from them,
And stinkin' thinkin' attitudes lead to spiritual pollution.

The key to prevent entanglement
Is to give the Creator our full attention,
And submit ourselves to him completely.
Putting on the spiritual armor follows from there.

Lemme say this a little louder for the ppl in the back:

The key to prevent entanglement
Is to give the Creator our full attention,
And submit ourselves to him completely.
Putting on the spiritual armor follows from there.

If we submit ourselves completely to the Lord,
We won't find ourselves falling into entanglements anymore!
Again, I ain't referrrin' to that 2020 trend.
I'm referring to being caught up with wrong friends.

As we prepare to enter Healing Girl Summer,
Here's that one tip we shouldn't forget:
If we submit ourselves completely to the Lord,
And put on our spiritual armor,
We won't find ourselves falling into entanglements anymore!

Hey, beautiful queens! I hope you're having a wonderful and flourishing night!

I pray for help for us to remember to stick with the genuine friends the Creator sent us, and any other genuine friends that the Creator plan to send us.

ASÉ! 🙏🏽

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