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***Based on Galatians 5:17, John 16:22, Esther 4:14, and Matthew 7:15-16***

Armani, the artistic pink rose warrior queen -
That's me!
Armanitopia is what I call my life, my soul, and my mind.
I'm sweet like honey - all you gotta do is treat me kind.
I hope it's in your nature. If not, I'll put you on ice!

 If not, I'll put you on ice!

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Kat Graham as Armani

Kat Graham as Armani

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Armani as an anime

You wanna be a citizen of Armanitopia? You are welcome!
Following the rules shouldn't be too tough.

Rule number one: don't let no snake spirits pollute you!
Snake spirits are against the Ruach Hakodesh.
If you open the door to the snake spirits, the Ruach Hakodesh will snitch on you.
They'll have you steal my tourmaline cuz they know that'll cause a mess.

Rule number two: don't let no wolf spirits pollute you either!
Wolf spirits would have you be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The whole point I'm making is this -
Don't play with me! You know I'm the queen!
That main gemstone of Armanitopia that you can't take is the tourmaline.
You have no idea how expensive the tourmaline is.
If it's in your nature to care about Armanitopia, then give my tourmaline a kiss.

Hey, beautiful queens! How's your Healing Girl Summer going? Did you recite your positive affirmations? If not, I encourage you to do so now!

Those of you who read "Armanitopia" (my other book), yes, Armani is me. "Armani" means "faith" in Tigrinya (an Eritrean language). Also, Armanitopia is the Eastern part of Bustani.

This poem here is in a style of Rhythmless Rap.

"Tourmaline" symbolizes tranquility and joy. John 16:22 is a scripture reference to the lines about the tourmaline in this poem. And the ending means this: if you truly care about my spiritual and emotional health, act like it.

On the other hand, what do you think of this poem in this chapter, as far as the other scripture references that this poem is based on?

I pray that this poem will help you find your peace when you go thru trauma, and feel motivated to ask the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) to guide you into gaining your joy back and getting your crown back.

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