Part 6: SSundee's POV

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"What the Foot is this?" I blurted out while I stared at the note stuck to the wall

It read:

Oh, you made it already? Fún Fact: Littering in Singapore is actually illegal, so if you read this, congratulatiońs that this hasn't been picked up by a stranger and thrown away alréady. But I must give props to y'all . You guys amaze me at how you solve my riddles so fast. Well good luck solving this one!

1:1 7:4 17:1 22:1 25:4 27:7

11:1 20:5 32:4 35:4 38:6 42:3 49:3 55:5 56:4

2:1 3:3 37:2 39:4 41:7 58:6 64:2 71:5 72:2

9:4 12:2 29:4 51:1 54:1

8:4 30:1 31:1 43:1 44:3 45:1 46:5 53:1 61:3 63:2 67:2

Let's start this by having me recommend placeś that are vital for you to visit. The national fruit of Singapore is durian. There is also a building that looks like one. Then a must-go place is Universal Studios Singapore, or Sentosa. You can take the Sentosa Express at Vivocity or you can walk or drive there. Lastly, Singapore is a clean and green country; you might as well visit the super version of all threes. Oh, and Singapore is one of the most expensive ćities in the world, so do get more money, and one of the safest, so don't worry about getting róbbed. =)

"Do we have to go to all of these places? I know the 'building that looks like a durian' is the Esplanade here in Singapore and then there 'Sentosa'" Kate lamented

"And the threes I am guessing is a pun on trees? The super 'trees' here in Singapore is at a place called 'Gardens by the Bay'" PatP added

"How do you guys know so much?" Lookumz questioned

They replied with a simple word "Research!"

"Why don't we solve each puzzle first? There are some underlined and bolded letters. Some also have accent marks too."

Zud suggested

"Sure, the bolded letters spelt 'plaza'?" I said.

"And the underlined letters a-"

"Spelled 'Orchid'" LoafX grinned as he interrupted PatP's speech

Zud opened his mouth, ready to say something when it got discontinued by a tumultuous ringtone.

Everyone automatically looked at me as I felt the sounds and vibrations coming from my pocket.

I dug my fingers into my pocket to retrieve the buzzing phone.

Answering the call, I muttered a generic response


"Hey SSundee, it is me, Peril. What happened to you guys? You disappeared for a day and left me alone????? I am waiting in the house for someone and anyone to text me!"

"Oh I am so so so sorry Peril. The boys and I are investigating the mystery of the Regulars and I forgot to tell you." I sheepishly informed him

"Alright then......enjoy investigating without me. I will let you know if anything happens over here" Peril sighed

"Okie. Thanks!"

Before I ended the call, I heard the words 'captured''plan''goose chase' but I assured myself that I was hallucinating and could be just the wind.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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