Chapter 2: Irregulars POV

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"Come on....... whats taking them sooooo long???"Zud complained. "Give them time, where they are staying is nearby so they are taking their own sweet time walking here...." SSundee replied. To have something to do to pass the time, Loafx, Kate and Lookumz started playing Scissors Paper Stone while PatP and Zud decided to start a conversion with each other.

 "Hey guys, sorry I'm late" Peril burst in heaving all the equipment behind him. Zud, PatP and Lookumz rushed to help him with the equipment while SSundee looks behind Peril and asked "Hey Peril, where Henwy, Sigils, Nico and Biffle?" "Huh?????? I thought they were with y'all???"Peril panicked. "Wait.... either they stopped by someplace which is unlikely cause they would want to start the video ASAP or they are missing...."Zud concluded...

AN: Sorry if these two chapters are short, I will try to upload longer chapters :)

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