You're Okay: Chapter 2

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Steve's POV:

"Bad news," the nurse says. "She had to get stitches on her stomach, legs and arms, surgery on her mainly cut arm due to glass inside. She is asleep right now, thankfully not in a coma. She can go home in a week." She sighs heavily.

"When she gets out of the hospital, make sure she doesn't walk. She could hurt herself even more."

I run my fingers through my hair and ask, "Can I see her?" She nods. I get up and follow her to Nat's room. Once we get there, I slowly walk in, eyes to my feet. "I'll leave you alone. If you need anything push the nurse button."

I walk over Natasha who has a whole bunch of IVs in her arms. "You're okay," I whisper softly to her. I brush some little hairs off her forehead. I sigh, her laugh playing in my head. She stirs, which startled me a bit. Her eyes open, and it's like a flashlight of green was shining into my eyes.

She stares at me for a while, until speaking up. "Hi Steve." Her voice is rough, but still hers. "Hey, the nurse said you can go home in about a week, but you have to be in a wheelchair." I bite my lip, knowing she hates those things. "But, I'm fine! I hate wheelchairs!" She whines, but I just laugh and she does the same.


Natasha's POV

That week goes by fast, and I am starting to feel much better. Almost all my depression has flown out the window. I am smiling, laughing, and even playing all those dumb after dinner games the boys play. I owe it all to Steve. He is my rock. He helped me get through all of this, and I love him.


I walk downstairs to the training room, and I see Steve murdering a punching bag. "Hey, you alright?" "Yea, I'm fine. Just a.. Uh.. Something has been bothering me for a bit. That's all." He says, like it's completely cool, but it's not. He returns to punching, but I decide to say something.

"Can you tell me? You told me you trust me. And it also bothers me to see you like this." He ignores me and keeps on punching. His knuckles are cut open, and bleeding; on both hands. "STEVE! Stop it!" I yell. He sighs, stops punching and turns to me. "What?" He says, his voice with worry and anger, yet it sounds like compassion. "What's going on?"

A.N: Sorry for not updating in a while😁 I have been really busy but it's summer so I will have extra time to write. Hope you enjoy it!


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