Chapter Sixteen: "Estranged For A Scepter"

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Bittergiggle and I finally make it back to the retreat, with me nearly falling asleep as we walk. Jeez, this whole journey has been taking its toll on me. Running around and pressing switches isn't easy, but as long as it's what it takes to save my children and everyone else here, I'll willingly put up with anything to accomplish that goal.

Once we walk further into the retreat, we find Uthman waiting for us by a TV, and when he sees us, he waves. I guess he was pretty quick to recover after being thrown into a glass window, huh? Full of surprises, this guy. "I don't suppose you guys have already activated the third switch?" He asks me and Bittergiggle.

Bittergiggle nods enthusiastically. "All we need is one more switch and we're good to grab the scepter!" He exclaims happily, then turns to me and grins mischievously. "I guess you could say our day won't be scep-terrible for much longer, hahaha!" He laughs at his own joke. I laugh along with him and nudge him playfully with my elbow.

Bittergiggle finally takes a moment to catch his breath before addressing Uthman once more. "Anything happen while we were away?" He inquires. Uthman shakes his head with a sigh. "Nothing. It's strange..." He comments. Bittergiggle nods at this and places a hand on his hip. "I agree. Sir Dadadoo is up to no good..." He grumbles angrily under his breath.

"Well, uh... Nabnab showed up, although I'm not sure if anyone would be happy to hear this." Uthman informs us. "He tried some of his usual shenanigans, so I put him in a cage." He points over to where Nabnab is, in fact, caged up by the warehouse at the other end of the room. Aww, poor fella... I'm gonna have to check up on him later.

"Also, your big cat friend just walked in here like it knew the place. I didn't dare get close to it." Uthman adds, earning an excited gasp from Bittergiggle. "Really? I need to go see her. She's one of the few that appreciate my jokes!" He's quick to run off in search of his friend, leaving me and Uthman standing there alone together.

Uthman looks at me with an uneasy expression and sighs. "Lorelei... I know I haven't said this before... but I'm glad that you're okay. I know it's been pretty hard for you lately." He states solemnly. "I mean, trying to save your children all while being caught up in situations like these, it's... very difficult to cope with, and I just want you to know that I admire you for it."

I blink in surprise as I take in his words, not knowing quite how to react to them. Does he really think that about me? It's nice to know that I make people proud, but... I don't know if what I've done is enough to warrant this kind of praise. I mean, I'm just doing what any mother would do if her babies went missing...

"Thanks, Uthman." I eventually manage to reply. "I'm sure everyone would do the same for their kids. You know that, right?" I smile weakly at him. "That's true, but most parents wouldn't try to pull off something like this, much less have the guts to actually carry through with it. You're braver than most." He tells me honestly as he smiles.

"Yeah... Thanks again, Uthman." I nod, feeling a warm sense of happiness wash over me.

"Anyway, uh... Stinger Flynn wanted a word. It feels weird being on the same side again after all that's happened, but I know you can handle it." Uthman tells me, nodding his head towards the other side of the room. Following his gaze, I spot Flynn sitting there, waiting for me to go over and talk to him. But before I do, why not do some exploring first?

I head over to where Bittergiggle is standing next to... Holy shit, isn't that the dino-cat that tried to eat me that one time? Bittergiggle is just letting the giant creature as if it was nothing but a normal pet. "D'aww, who's a good girl?" He coos at the huge creature. The dino-cat lets out a quiet meow and licks his face lovingly.

Why is she... kinda cute? I reach out to pet her, but she snaps at my hand and I recoil my arm instantly. Nevermind, that thing is not cute at all.

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