Chapter Eleven: "An Old Friend"

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I make my way into the kingdom without much problem, with AVI4 and Muffin following closely behind me. As we make our way up the grand staircase, I can't help but wonder how long it must've taken to set up a place like this, especially considering the fact that it belongs to a kindergarten. I mean, I understand a small play area, but a whole castle?

We finally reach the doors leading into the throne room, and I stop for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady myself before pushing open the doors. Of course, Queen Bouncelia is there right away to welcome me. She stands up from her throne as I enter, both of us exchanging respectful bows before she sits back down.

"Welcome back, Lorelei. I hope your journey was worth it, and the elevator a little more usable." She tells me happily, a small smile crossing her lips. I return the smile and nod my head. "It went pretty smoothly. And yeah, the elevator is definitely on the road back to working order, so that's good news." I reply calmly.

Queen Bouncelia's smile widens a little, leaning forward to rest her arms on the armrests of her throne, her expression changing into one of admiration. "I wanted to let you know how much I respect the things you are doing to get your children back. Putting your life on the line and fighting forces far more powerful than you like that is just... admirable..." She remarks.

My cheeks flush slightly as I grin bashfully. "Well, I wouldn't call it heroic, exactly... But thank you, ma'am. I'd just be happy if my kids were safe." I tell her sincerely. Queen Bouncelia nods her head in understanding. "You're a good person, Lorelei. As a token of my respect, please accept this blue keycard. While not much, it is what we consider a symbol of trust." She says, handing me one.

I take it from her gladly. "Thank you so much, your majesty." I thank her politely, bowing to her. "Please, call me Bouncelia, dear. Such formalities are quite unnecessary between friends." She insists, gently placing her hand over mine. "Besides, I have to admit, I do enjoy having someone like you to count on during times like these."

Before I can respond, she continues. "I am proud to announce that you are officially a citizen of the kingdom. Feel free to stay as much as you'd like, even after you get your children back." She offers kindly. "The kingdom can now proudly announce that it has reached a population of... five!" She says gleefully, smiling at me widely.

Five...? That's a bit small, isn't it? Though I'd never dare ask that aloud. She'd probably pull a Queen of Hearts on me if she knew I was wondering such things. Next thing I'll know, she'll ask the sheriff to take care of me personally. Yeesh, that's definitely one thing I can't afford... So, I simply keep the question to myself.

"I say five because a friend of yours showed up while you were away. He was in a damaged state, so I told him to stay in the infirmary. The poor lad was badly bruised all over..." The queen informs me sadly. "He asked for you, so... perhaps you could speak with him when you have time?" She asks hesitantly.

A... friend of mine? I'm starting to get the feeling that I'm about to get an answer to that question that I would rather not know the answer to. But despite that, I nod my head in agreement, though not wanting to sound rude or anything. "Of course, I'll go see him. Thanks again for being so gracious, your majes— I mean, Bouncelia." I correct quickly.

Thankfully, Queen Bouncelia takes it in stride, nodding her head. "It is no trouble at all, my dear. Now then, go see that boy. It may give you some peace of mind." She tells me warmly. With that being said, I bow once again and leave the throne room, making my way over to the infirmary, the blue keycard in hand.

I reach the wooden doors labeled 'Infirmary', and as I push them open, I feel a sense of dread creeping its way over me again. The sight that greets me is nothing special; just a short corridor with a couple of doors leading into various rooms. I start walking along the corridor, though I immediately stop dead in my tracks when I spot a familiar figure sitting on a bed in one of the rooms.

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